
Anytime I see his name I find myself asking "Who?", then spending five seconds wikipedia and am instantly reminded how punchable his face is. I have no real reason for my animosity, I may have seen him in some random movie in the last ten years, but his career makes no sense aside from being in the original production

And hypocritical.

Is this really the shit show I didn't vote for?

Sooooo….where is the rest of the interview? This ended pretty abruptly.

Lady in the Water was the last film of his I watched and I'm still convinced it was because I was on the road for work, drunk, and HBO was the lesser of all evils on the TV. I have nothing but vague recollections of it aside from how bad it was and finding myself talking back at the movie to tell them how stupid this

This was a great interview. Brooks is a fucking living legend in comedy and that he is still looking for his next big project at 90 years is amazing.

I swear the AVC did an article with a contestant on Jeopardy a few years back. Possibly around 2011?… It was definitely an interesting read.

More like Carl Reiner.

Abe Vigoda: Still dead.

And now I just want to binge on Curb for the next few days…

But what of the door mouse?

I can definitely understand that. I saw her for the second (and still last time) at the Three Rivers Arts Festival in 2005 and was left with the same kind of feeling since I left with my friends not even halfway through her set. OTOH she ended that holiday show with a full on 15 minute jam of "Its not safe" which

I'm actually kinda looking to see how this turns out. Tupac was a great star in both music and film, and Gridlock'd is a great movie I'm gonna have to revisit now.

Going nowhere, you mean…

Hence why I mentioned that fun fact about my dad's heart, but thanks for reminding me of the proper name.

Led Zeps "In Through the Out Door" was my first break up album. It had its high and low points, but the last two tracks on the album were always finding me outside in my car, listening to "All My Love" and "I'm Gonna Crawl" in December of '94 after either getting out of work or class or both.

Thanks for making the point I was going to but realized discretion is the better point of valor. Or in this case, just scrolling down a bit farther.

I had to re-read that sentence at least three times for it to register. I'll fully admit I know way more about my parents health these days than I ever really wanted to, but throwing their sex life in there is too much. And yes, I know they actually had a pretty decent time of it back in the day (thank you,

Cloud Nine was my introduction to George Harrison as a solo act, and thinking about it now makes me remember just how bizarre the '80s were in regards to pop music and culture in general. I was already a fan of the Beatles, but this opened up a whole new world of appreciation for Harrison (and even John and Paul, but

I've mentioned this before, but I still consider the holiday concert she did at the Carnegie in Pittsburgh in like 2001 as one of the best shows I've ever experienced. Between song banter with the audience, even taking requests for the multiple encores, hands down amazing. Bachelor #2 is still one of my favorite