
Considering how cold it gets in Lake Placid, you'd be flaccid too.

-high hat- "He's here all week folks!! Try the veal, and don't forget to tip your waiter!" -golf swing-

I worked around the corner from them on Smallman Street the first year I lived in Pittsburgh and it was a blessing and a curse. I'm still convinced that that freebie table was their way of saying "We have this pile of free stuff to apologize for how much you just spent on that Burning Airlines CD and the first three

Beta. Laserdisc is too high class.

So basically the whole "life flashing before your eyes" moment.

Even Rabin has to slum it sometimes.


This reminds me of the brand new rental that I got to drive from upstate NY to OH last year. It had every option possible yet did not have cruise control. WTF?!?

Not the Joker you want, but the Joker you need.

* I am!!!

Considering that I'm looking for a contemporary novel to start the year off properly, this doesn't sound that bad. I've been re-reading Theroux, Vollmann, and some Borges here and there since October last year and this sounds promising.

Reading through this list reminded me of how crazed and idiotic the music industry was during the 1990's. A few of them are mentioned here, but when even big box stores like Best Buy would get roped in. I stood in line for a Pearl Jam 45 when they released Yield. I got the last copy and the guy behind me flat out

Different strokes for different folks…

Thanks for reminding me of that Saturday afternoon while in middle school blazing through The Scarlet Pimpernel just to write a book report that was due that next Monday. Luckily my library had something called Illustrated Classics or something like that and while it was still the entire original text of the novel,

I never saw the shorts, but Sky Captain is actually a pretty decent movie that for me has held up over time. I think it's one of those random films that Netflix is probably contractually obligated to carry for five decades, because I swear I've watched it at least 2-3 times via them since like 2011. Law pretty much

So that remake of Face/Off no one has ever wanted?

No joke.

I could see this, and was mentioned above, perhaps Jodi Foster. Along that line, maybe even Julianne Moore. Foster is six years younger than Fisher and Moore was born in 1960, which kinda surprised me.

Boink boink boink boink boink!!!

Robert Butler: Still Alive and kicking in 2017. Finally got a lifetime achievement award for directing in 2015 as well. Better late than never, right?