
I was hardly into pop culture at the time when Moonlighting first started (hell, I was 9 years old most of 1985) but I had seen Caddyshack and Ghostbusters and actually had some idea of who Bill Murray was, but I swear I remember reading this around the time of the beginning of the second season.

Actually, A&E picked it up and ran the entire series sometime like 1990 or 1991. I made a point of setting the VCR every morning before going to school because I didn't get into it until probably the second season (thanks Dad!). They also ran the full series of Northern Exposure right after that show ended in 1995.

So, same old same old?


Eh, I still stand by the idea that season four really isn't nearly as bad as what folk remember. I think it falls along the lines of how we have all probably re-watched the first three seasons at least a few times and every time you see and catch something new. Season four needed to be watched the first time through

Agreed in every way possible.

"The Bye Bye Man is so bad, in fact, that it retroactively improves the half-assed Hollywood horror that it’d be lucky to better resemble."


True, but not to the extant that was season Four. It was actually announced in the beginning credits, "this is "whoevers" Arrested Development. Not disingenuous, but at least you knew this was gonna be a George Michael episode…and one with through lines regardless of the normal cast, knew it was going to be good.

Still, just lost potential. Granted networks loved killing series early on for years, but the rhyme and reason for such is kinda baffling sometimes (see also: Cheers, Seinfeld Chronicles, etc).

That the first two paragraphs told the reviewers disdain for this fartless worth of a movie told me everything. Well done, Jesse.

I kinda sorta grew up with the "Christmas time is here" song, thanks to my moms nostalgia when I was around 13 years old. It was a semi-broken cassette case but that tape wouldn't leave the Buick LeSabre until at least the second week of January.

I highly doubt that…

Keystone Lite is amateur hour. Balancing that glass bottle of Miller High Life on the washcloth rack opposite the shower head is experience level. Finding and not dropping it when washing your hair with eyes closed is god-like.

I'm always late here, but this was my immediate thought: Smile like you mean it…in bed. And now I'm wondering if I was either really good or really bad in bed with the ex-gfs.


Arbor Day, and also Earth Day. And if you really want to unplug, Every Day.

I essentially said the same thing in an earlier thread. I have the feeling that because they couldn't get everyone in the same place at the same time really hampered the overall effect (which I know is what we are all saying about season four, but it really isn't as bad as you remember).

This is sad because it is possibly true.

"The Winds of War"