

I rewatched the whole series in December for the first time since season four came out and I discovered that while a lot of the original three seasons hold up, that fourth one really isn't bad. I actually enjoyed it more this time than the first, probably because my expectations were low and it actually has improved

I get this! He mentioned three series that have been rebooted!!! Now if only @Frakes can come back and swirl some whiskey in a tumbler and save the day…

Hey! I live on that street!!!

I was honestly about to make the same comment, and then it occurred to me that there is no way I am the only one thinking this. I tried watching the first episode of LoCH and had to give up maybe halfway through. I can understand going for some kind of animated cross between The Life and Times of Tim and Rick and

KDKA in Pittsburgh continues to stand by its call letters.

This actually doesn't surprise me at all. I think it has something to do with his hair. Trebek, tho, kinda baffling.

I agree with @alimentarius:disqus to some degree, but I would change "stupid" to "silly" in his comment. It's completely over the top as far as I'm concerned, and that's the way all my friends and family who have seen it approach it. We also tend to be fans simply because it is imminently rewatchable, highly quotable,

One more bit of evidence that I got out of WI just in time. I missed all but the beginning of Walker's idiocy, and that Fuller House is what they're watching up there…God Bless 'Em.

Granted I only ever watched the NBC series once, but it still kinda pisses me off that they weren't willing to stick with it a bit longer, especially as it seemed like it was really starting to get good there the last couple episodes or so. I've only seen a couple of episodes of Arrow, but the one-off that they

"Do you want me to look that up online?"

Dredd was surprisingly good I thought, especially considering that the Stallone version is memorable only for it's camp and cheesiness. Juno remains one of those films where I'm glad I watched it during it's time, but have a feeling that it hasn't aged very well and will probably never see a need to watch it again.

I just watched Grosse Pointe Blank for the first time in a few years and I'm convinced that if Cusack would just stick to smaller, better focused, smart (and occasionally funny) movies like that and High Fidelity and even The Grifters he wouldn't be having to lower himself to dreck like this. He's been in some big

Apparently the Higgins Boys sat this one out.

It actually took me a second or three before I got this. So embarrassing.

Yeah, I have to agree with you there. Whenever I'm in re-watch mode with Archer, that drifting episode is one of the few I automatically skip over with no second thought. The Area 51 episode had just enough redeeming qualities that I don't mind it. I know another skippable one is from the Vice season, but can't recall

I have a sudden desire to watch The Black Hole.

It's not surprising that so many of these 22 resolutions line up with my own thoughts on heading into the late teens of this century. That O'Neal got the prime number one spot and really did sum up my life since, oh, probably 2005, was a big slap in the face. Stop trying to catch up (or even just stay even with) the


Ha, I forgot about that.