
Yeah, but my conductor wasn't a dick.


No, they are the mainly white but with black and orange (ugh) colorings. Polydactyls are kinda rare unless you're in New Englandish states, so I'm told. My sister had one tho, and she lives in OH.

But would you be a proud owner of one of those 11000?

That was supposed to read "five seconds".

Oh, for yesteryear…

Be happy you don't have a calico.


I despise his name. And I'm glad you seem to as well.

Jesus Fucking Christ. Will someone slap this idiot, sit him in a corner, and tell him to be grateful that he is a white, somewhat successful (I say that with the 11,000 record sales in mind) male in the U S of A in 2017?

Eh, choices.

Thanks, but yeah, I stuck it out since it was my senior year in HS. The kicker to all that is how I had the best performance of my life at my Prof's annual spring/summer recital, and finding out a week later after I show up for my usual lesson only to be told that I was no longer his student.

Luckily both Monet and Kinkade are dead.

Better known as vel, and damn it's delicious.


Among other things…but probably not cookies.

Among other things…

The gypsy woman is not my supervisor!!

Way too localized for the audience at hand!!!

I swear you're right about this…although I actually did, immediate answer, go "St Petersberg"