
That entire clip reminded me of when I returned to my youth orchestra after being gone for 5-6 weeks because I was in the hospital. I came back for our last fall performance, most of which I didn't know so I sat last chair and sat out most but did my best to follow with the sheet music in front of me.

The line between "a joke" and "sarcasm" seems like to be pretty thin in the world of twit.

Memes from a decade ago want to beat you up in the corner and offer you steroids

Probably the reason we haven't had a celeb kiss and tell about him. Just a thought?

"The dance-party ending has been used in plenty of live-action films, and while it’s often just as clear a play for audience approval in that format, it rarely feels quite as pandering in the flesh."

CHICAGO DICK: A Raymond Chandler-type short series (let's say, 12 episodes, and stretch it out over six seasons and a movie), initially set in the Windy City, but moving over the course of the series to NYC and then to LA, of course, but then finally back to Chicago.

Damn. Thank You. I'd give a 1000 upvotes but you know that doesn't work.

I saw this headline in someone else's feed (long story, don't ask) and thought it was a joke because I was sure it was an old story from when Trump got elected.

-as some poor soul is being led to the police cruiser-

Gaugin also had rather interesting sexual tastes, especially after he moved to the South Pacific.

I see what you did there, and I would like a bridge painting of it.

I got email promos for some new series on Netflix about some social media phenom (that of course I'd never heard of, and frankly don't care about, but…) and I have to say I was mildly intrigued. So I look this idiot up, and that is 15 minutes of my life that I should have spent in the bathroom reading my ex-landlords

As I have not had to best my own father in such a duel, it is of note that you mention how a love of scotch will bring some adversaries around. Lord knows how true this has been in my life, as relations with upper management and such as proven true.

Those are some enlightened words.

Oddly, that's the same explaination for how we ended up with different races in the first place.

That link to the review for Accidental Love is the best, simply because it leads to one of the better reviews and comments sections for a nice religious flick called Old Fashioned, which I am so glad I forgot about but damn if it isn't a fun read.

This is beyond intriguing. Any online sources at least in regards to The Wild Bunch?

Too little too late I think at this point. I actually he and Harry Morgan passed away around the same time, but have no idea why I thought this.

That's an interesting look into labor relations, and reminded me of how Walt Kelly was an animator for Disney before Pogo. I always forget that fact.

Don Bluth (post-Disney) would like a word…