
I actually saw Song of the South in theaters the final time Disney re-released it back in the early '80s with my grandmother (thanks to her, I can say I saw pretty much every classic Disney movie on the big screen). I was probably 5 or 6 and while I thought the songs and animation were awesome, even then I knew

I was wondering if he'd have an obit here. Saw his name on the Wikipedia main page Monday and have to say this needs to supplant their entry on his life.

They can tuna piano but they can't tuna fish.

You didn't read far enough: "Mister Bones" and the "Napkin Bombing" are things in the EU.

Billy Lee!!!

"Natually aged beef."

I grew up during the '80s and '90s and while it was frustrating trying to watch two-three and sometimes even four different games at a time on NYD (and all day and night long I might add), I actually kind of miss it. Knowing how to work that remote in between commercials of the games you decide are worth watching vs.

"City Blood" was awesome. I'm still cracking up.


I've always thought it was a play on "Judge Judy". I'm probably entirely wrong, but I can deal with it.

I want a cookie pizza!

Gotta agree, but it seems that it's only been since like around the late-'90s-2000 that the movies titled after songs went from fair to ok to just plain bad. There are exceptions ("Walk the Line" being the best example I can think of off the top of my head) but did we really need a movie called "The Sweetest Thing"?

"Chicago Med, LLC: Former doctors who now specialize in medical malpractice suits in the Windy City. Also, their offices are in a converted firehouse. Coming mid-season from Dick Wolf."

Everybody wins!!!

This would be correct. See also the second or third primary comment above. I made a point of watching a few of his recorded things on youtube and you actually can see the genesis of where modern stand up came from just from his early bits. His story about covering for Lenny Bruce is something you can see from a mile

Annnnd…is there a reason we can't get a Porn Parody column here? It's not like the AVC is all that family friendly in the first place.

The one season finale where they spoof Titanic has to be one of the best half hours of goofy sitcom greatness ever (I think it was season three?). And yeah, season 3 & 4 were nonstop great.

Definitely with you on Newsradio, I find myself going back and watching it again about every other year. DS9 is where my interest in TV Trek shows started to wan, although I watched it regularly until probably the fourth season. I think Voyager would fit in this cult area as well (and also, I only stuck around for the

I came here for a Terriers notification?
