
That quote never, ever gets old. I actually saw Jaws 4 in the theater and my 7 or 8 year old self knew how bad it was. My uncle, who didn't give a rats ass about much, lit up a cig on the way out of the theater to the car and remarked "Well that was a shit show".

Geez, I've been trying to remember the name of this for months. Watched the first couple episodes and then work got in the way and I forgot about it.

Don't forget Papillon, which I've only seen once but has stuck with me as being amazing. That someone apparently thinks it is a good idea to remake it sometime in the next year or so is pointless.

Yinz goin dhawn ta Soufside an see tha Donnie Iris show an dat?

And has guitar appear out of said forehead.

No rubber!!


Yeah. I said that already. Like at least twice. But thanks for the reminder!! Cheers.

That's actually the movie I was trying to think of, but it got such middling reviews…I think you're right though, team him up with Cameron again and see what happens. The thing is, his action days are over (let's be serious). Cameron actually does seem to be a really good director and knows how to get the best out of

It really is one of those "you'll either love it or you'll hate it" movies. I hate that I love it. But I love that I hate it. It's a conundrum wrapped in an enigma with a cheesy waffle on the side.

I think you're missing what I was saying here…these aren't "action" films that are being catalogued and run through by the years here, it's "a history of violence".

It is so bad that it's good. Seriously. Bruce Willis at his highest point of idiocy and lunacy. Strip club scene with a Prince song in the background. Bruce doing a jig on top of a NFL stadium at the end. What is not to love about this movie?

Aside from Total Recall, which I swear I can just put on endless repeat and not even mind, True Lies is definitely the best role he ever had and even played on film. Completely encapsulated the double identity and persona, but showed vulnerabilities on both fronts at the same time, but not in the same way. If he could

Ya have to remember that the title of the series here is "A History of Violence". If Pulp Fiction doesn't qualify, then you may as well erase all his movies from this category.

Nah. T2 is actually a decent movie and has aged surprisingly well for the time that it was made. The ending is a bit hammy, and yeah, Furlong is a bit much, but -it's not bad-. At all.

I forgot that The Last Boy Scout came out this same year. Wow. I was all about movies and film by this time but the review I read for it was the first one that made me think, Huh, Maybe there are different ways of seeing things. Probably why I have an ongoing list of bad movies I love to watch (Ecks vs Sever? yeah,

Yeah, 2008 was one of those years I was lucky enough to have watched Kill Generation on HBO and…not much else. Bad break up with gf, relocating five states away, new job, bad housing.

"Hell within" as he apparently knew.

"Jeff!! Your name is Chris!!!"

That Clapton got the Grammy for that atrocity is up there with Lynard Skynard getting theirs. I will grant you, it's not -nearly- as bad, but considering the fact that if you put the "unplugged" Layla up against the original during any scene in a Scorsese film and see how it plays out…