
I would willingly go back to Pittsburgh, Columbus, OH (family), D.C. in a heartbeat cause that town is awesome and the people are great, Charlotte, NC, and even though I need to get the fuck out of here, Savannah, GA. It's beautiful. I recommend Madison, WI and Chicago for folks that need to really see what life is

Oddly, there is not going to be a lot of love, actually, for this movie.

I'm sure that was turned down as an in house artist piece at the Guggenheim.

I really did just spew on my laptop. Holy Fuckin Shit.

When I was in youth orchestra as a junior rogueling, I came back from our break to find my bow broken. Luckily my conductor liked me (ended up being my teacher for a few years later on) but he turns to his case and pulls out what he says is "my least expensive bow."

Also noted in the complaint was "the less-than-wholesome nature of some of the products contained in the bags."

I've lived in seven cities over 16 years, how's that? Not even counting the times I was loaned out by whatever company I was working for to go to some random town (hello, Evansville, IN!!) for weeks at a time because the regional couldn't fix shit but since I was available, guess who got the dirty work?

Think they tried that before and all it did was get severe backlash and criticism. See Also: any hosts in the last 25 years.

This comment may be the gold standard on summing up the majority of us wasting away our whitticisms and random trivia and splices of life here at the AVC.

We'll be lucky for five minutes. At best.

Whatever happened to Elegant Victorian Lady (if I recall the name correctly)? 'Cause I'm fainting away…

I don't think that's a "shield".

Considering how much I like Jar of Flies, I thought their Unplugged ended up a whole lot better than most. As someone noted below though, "Angry Chair" was probably the one misstep in the entire playlist. I'll always prefer this version of "Over Now" to the album, just 'cause it really gets down and dirty.

Jesus Christ. If we are all gonna get that uptight over a comment made when it's clearly intended to be comedy then maybe we really do deserve Trump and his cronies. I know how to laugh at myself and my (given) stereotypes. How about we stop being overly sensitive and…learn to laugh again. I have a lot of friends from

"Let's get it on!!!"

I hate admitting it but I've actually watched "Wanted" at least three times. It's convoluted and dumb but it seems to at least have a sense of humor about itself. Granted, the first time I saw it I had no idea what I was watching until I looked it up afterwards and was like, Huh, I had no idea this even existed.

Enlighten me.

The entire episode felt like it was cobbled together with discarded plot points from other, better episodes. Yes, there were some good lines, but everything about this was just annoying and kinda grating.

Let's not forget Alice In Chains. Just listened to it for the first time in a few years and it's crazy how good and sad it is at the same time.

I liked it a lot when it came out, but always made a point of skipping "Layla" because he just ends up destroying the song. I haven't listened to it in years, but still find myself singing "San Francisco Bay Blues" at very odd times.