
^ This guy gets it!!

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner!!!

Depends on if you are used to using tears for lube.


That was beautiful. I so want to see this it hurts.

Hence the " isn't all that grounded and maybe doesn't have the strongest grasp on common sense" explaination.

I read the review, and I was like, Yeah, I think I want to see this just for how bad it is going to be. Then I read the two spoilers above, and made me realize I -have- to see this. But this? I absolutely NEED to see this now. This may be my new favorite so bad it's good movie.

I played him in a middle school musical!!!

I can only suspect that there has to be some kind of huge write-off involved, which is probably the only way the studio will say it at least broke even by making this horrible mess. A mess that I am positively intrigued by and really, really want to see just because there is no way something this bad can have this

"I've made a huge mistake."

Since by then they've decided Uranus isn't a planet anymore. RIP Pluto.

I would watch that. Make it so, Number One!!

I'm just trying to blow off some latent 20 year old steam. They are decent musicians but product is horrible. Which is why I pretty much ignored all that stuff and stuck with mainstream radio.

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

oh fuck. FIF can suck my balls. Any "christian punk/ska/whatever" can do likewise. Hearing about how much they "uplift your spirit" or "I understand God more" gimme a break.

I'll fully admit I actually read the interview and the actual review before finally watching this final episode. Having said that, I see how and where Craig DiGregorio got pissed off (and I'm on his side). I have finally watched the season 2 finale and it's not nearly as bad as I was lead to believe. The C- is a bit

I'm assuming you're over in Dover.

Mr. Mulaney would like word with you…

I see what you did there, and it's probably not a hard sell at all.

It'll make a splash for sure.