
Unless Damn Yankees managed to do a song/cover of something referencing another country in the title like Asia did, I stand by my position.

I'm awaiting 2024…

I was lucky enough to see them three times before M. Doughty called it a day. Remember talking a friend into coming with us to the second show by describing it as "jazz, with a really good beat". Still brings a smile to my face.

I don't get…oh, because…he's short.

Why are you making fun of Ryan Gosling like that?

You must like fun.

Too soon!!!

I grew up non-denominational and was surrounded by kids who loved christian rock/pop/whatever the current fad was. I could never buy into it, mainly because why waste your time on crappy religious knock-offs of only quasi-decent music in the first place.

Geez, thanks for bringing them up too. I was feeling slightly nostalgic a couple years back and figured I hunt down all the bands I thought I liked from the early-mid-90's. Put on -that- Rusted Root album (thanks Youtube!) and was immediately embarrassed for my younger self. And to think that I saw them play a NYE

Wow. Thanks for that reminder. I think I still had it buried in the bottom of some drawer, completely forgotten about since 1993, as late as probably 2002. I think an ex-girlfriend grabbed it one morning for no explainable reason. I honestly forgot I even had it…still.

Pretty sure this happened already…in 2014.

I'm hoping both @cuddle_bastard:disqus and @disqus_62kIEL7JfL:disqus responses are entirely sarcastic.

Thanks for reminding me of that horrible (and dated) Whoopi detective film "Fatal Beauty". Also starring: Sam Elliot.

Put him in, Coach!!!

Baked beans and rice is one of my strange, quasi-healthy go to munch away forever meals. It's kind of a comfort food, of sorts.

Them Damn Yankees can do anything!!!

You got that right until …RECALL

Satarical tits: Netflix 2018!!

I don't know what this means but I'm liking it.