
Point taken. Fuck.


8 years? Let's not get ahead of ourselves…

I got a Terriers notifation for this?!?

And they are still locked in the vault

Let's not discount the ones in Revenge of the Sith…

Let's not discount the ones in Revenge of the Sith…

Let's not discount the ones in Revenge of the Sith…

I loved reading this, and makes me feel bad.

Read a bit on it, but Burton is steadfast on not letting it go. Also: not doing a remake of the Fisher King.

again, why we need just a Films We Like to be brought back. Also: Invwvoey.

He wasn't on anyone's Radar.

I have a small but significant list of bad movies I love to watch, and almost veer on hate-watching sometimes. But I finally watched Jupiter Ascending earlier this year and while I knew it was going to be bad, I was hoping it would join that list of bad movies. Instead, I actually felt insulted by every line, every

Boreas must be appeased!!!!

The sad thing is, I am -not- the least bit surprised by this.

Oops. I just re-read your comment again and I completely misinterpreted that. Sorry.

It's actually available on youtube if you want to go for instant gratification. First link has it split into five parts, and it really is something. Always forget how important the music is to silent films as well. They did a good job with this one.

I kinda feel like Palme Thursday fills this to an extent. I didn't even know anything about film festivals until I was in my early 20's, and while I have recognized and even seen a few of the films that (I think Dowd does the column?) have been revisited, it doesn't seem to get very much commentator response IIRC. But

Hey!! There will be no disparaging of Excalibur here!!! First R rated movie I ever saw—five years old, by myself, at 6:00 a.m. on HBO. I still love it and watch it about once a year.

I have a vague recollection that they did an inventory similar to the subject matter here back in like 2006 or so (slightly different parameters I think) and Greed was definitely on that list. I actually don't think it would be a bad idea to revisit a few of those inventories and update them if they're like 8-10 years