
You just got Trumped!!!

This is exactly what none of us want.

I'd fap.

It was Miller High Life. The Champagne of Beers. It is not good beer. But sometimes you have to settle for just getting the job done.

Seacrest, OUT!!!

I prefer 8-track. Also, I spewed beer off my back stoop reading that reply. Cheers!!

Mesa neva go Jar-Jar. Mesa only Drunk-Drink.

Ok. Betamax then. Dammit.

Dude, LP. Seriously?

You called?

I read that in his voice and damn.

That I still have the same waist as I did in my younger days is stupid. Professional chef and what I have to show for it is random bits of clothing. I have found it odd that folk in my biz go from one end to the body mass to the other. A particular married couple, they apparently have been working the tracks with NYRA

IIRC, that's exactly how he played it off. Not gonna lie, I miss the Comedy Central of the early-mid '90's sometimes. Endless standup, MST3K, decent SNL reruns, random SCTV…I'm an early 40's slacker for a reason, dammit.

I find it sad yet a bit heartening that I still have a pair of carpenter jeans from 1998 that are not only well broken in but I still wear just because…

Didn't bellbottoms have their comeback like, late '90s? and really, skinny jeans were such a thing in the early '00's that I actually bought into it. That it is so prevalent now is…wrong. Needless to say I got called out on my "dad jeans" last summer. I don't care. My circulation is bad enough, but guess what

I miss the scroll over captions from years back.

That I'm able to get away with "You been here four hour!!! You eat everything!!! You go now!!!" is so horribly racist but so much recognized stands as tribute to a really good guy and comedian. I think he even said so himself but i'm too lazy to look it all up. I've said this (and heard it) so many times in my life

Unfortunately, John Pinnette is no longer with us as well.

I grew up on classical music, only got into and even realized there was something else when I was maybe 8-9 years old. While my classical roots remained, I explored everything else. I found out my parents had not one but three LP copies of Jesus Christ Superstar. They also had a copy of Abby Road. The Carpenters. PDQ

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