
Surprised she let you continue with your picks after #1, but geez I forgot about #3. That's advanced date night material there. Judging by the time period I'm guessing that Requiem for a Dream hadn't come out yet…

No, it makes it absolutely, perfectly, wonderful.

Yes, but they eat pills for fuel. Be like me and get Old Glory robot insurance. It's for when the metal ones come.

Never watched a single episode and I think I dodged a bullit with that choice.

Isn't that redundant?

Yeah, don't get me wrong, I grew up on U2 thanks to a cousin who loved them and subsequently got me into them. But I think that just like you with the nostalgia aspect, I would find R&H insufferable now.

"An unamused Bono was 3 seats to my left." This is beautiful. I was 12 or 13 when R&H came out, and I was just beginning to understand the difference between "good" and "bad" film making. That scene at Graceland (and even with…BB King? at Sun Studios) came on and I was like, this is nothing but pandering and as you

IIRC, that was the last review to get an A+ before it was decided there would be no more such thing.

Even though she wasn't "playing" her, Parker Posey is frighteningly good in her imitation in The House of Yes. Yet another film I haven't seen since it came out but damned if her performance has stuck with me.

I think it's the first one…of course the last time I saw it was when it came out.

Oh geez, what is that from?!?

I actually stumbled across Henry Gamble's Birthday Party earlier this week, and while I will say the opening scene completely caught me off guard, it's a low and slow meditation on Christianity, religion in general, and sexuality that I was not expecting. Ended up searching out Cone's The Wise Kids (an earlier film

What's a "yoot?"

-I- had a fancy horse growing up.

Thanks for giving me a "reason" to comment.

I like this idea, and will remember it for when my time comes. Because it surely will.

Whenever a song is heavily promoted by a movie, that's just telling you it's gonna suck.

I can say, with no doubt in my mind and complete honesty, that I have never, ever, eaten a Big Mac. Considering I dislike McDonalds and do my best to avoid them like the plague, this is not really surprising.

Thanks, dude who has internet.

When I was able to visit my father in 2015, he was far too open about everything. I kept a stern grin on my face while he described his pill regimine, but when it got to how "I just don't know when I have to go anymore" and that while he's usually pretty good with bladder control, I finally had to tell him the Johnny