
I'm ahead of you in this

My grandmother passed away last October at the ripe old age of 97. She was quite good of health up until 95, which amazed all us grandkids. She personally told me how she wasn't forced out of giving up her drivers license at 85, she just plain realized "I have never driven slow, but that man nearly took my mirror

There are good voice actors, and then there are great ones like Patrick Warburton and H. Jon Benjamin.

"40" is my favorite, but considering how many times I've had "ultraviolet" on repeat it may usurp the former. Something about the "Baby baby baby" at the end with the drums and underlying rhythm always makes me want it to go on infinitely.


Not even Anne Rice can bring River Phoenix back from the dead.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We only need one Exit to Eden adaptation.

Zooropa is such an odd album, but I get the feeling that you express. In many ways I wanted it to be more,,but it came out pretty much like it did, a good idea that had great moments but ultimately failed. I really don't think that it was until after Pop that they got their feet on the ground again and were a solid

I turned 16 when AB came out, and my cousin who got me into U2 gave me the album (on CD!!) for my birthday. He got me into them in the first place, taping his records of October and Unforgetabble Fire onto a cassette.


Great RR as usual by Harris, but starting off with Ash Vs. Evil Dead killed it.

God bless the Venture Bros. That there were even more callbacks to that episode later is just awesome.,

Slapshot is such an underrated movie. Paul Newman at his best, and so many scenes that are classic now for sports related films.

Yeah, I looked him up later and he's not doing too bad.

Tom Perrotta is a good writer, and it's a shame any more films from his books have gotten stalled.

Not being dismissive of the article, but it'd be nice if at least half the links in the piece had some relevance to the actual film.

In Treatment

Stolen Valor!!! News at 11

Yeah, but according to all my friends, I'm the drunk wacky uncle.

In the last hour?