
The Abyss/Leviathan/Deep Star Six

Well, that's hardly a fun fact but so bizarre. Also reminded me that he was in Outland too.

College nickname for -what- is the question at hand…


Batman is her one solid pass.

I honestly wouldn't miss a revisit of the TNG series. It's been what, 5-6 years? Why not.

No, that really happened. Huge Neil and Tim Finn fan so yes, it def did.

OK, so why isn't this part of the main articles and is being relegated to second-tier fodder? Seriously. Two film reviews that are for decent movies, but this is all the way down? Get your act together, AVC. This isn't the first time in recent history that a decent interview or RR has somehow gotten shuffled to the

"Half a world away", aside from the Unplugged version of Fall On Me, is untouchable. Hell, to be honest, most of the Unplugged shows from the early-mid-'90s are pretty amazing. I tend to revisit the AIC one the most these days, but the Neil Young is by far one of the best. I still remember watching the previews for it

Finally saw some love for Texarkana. It's a great overlooked song from their history, and buried in the latter half of Out of Time. I always knew in the back of my head that Stipe wasn't doing lead vocals, but confirming it now is just…odd.

-We- don't.

Speak for yourself.

"I hate the fucking Eagles, man."

Monster is the CD that every used shop had at least 10 copies of in their bins in the late '90s. It was also the only REM album that a lot of my friends had (and then didn't have, cause they realized how bad it was). New Adventures was one of my dedicated road albums around '98-00, just because of how it builds

You're forgetting Full Moon Fever there, buddy. And Echo? Eh, not so much. I appreciate what he was going for, but when the only way I was ever going to hear anything off it on the radio was on NPR? It's time to call it a day. The Last DJ was simply…bad.

The first Traveling Wilburys album is one that has held up amazingly well over time. For bringing together huge names from the '60s and '70s and the end result is an album that is 10 songs in under 40 minutes, and not one of them bad at all, says a lot for their craft and genius. Plus, Roy Orbison got a fitting send

For some reason I always think that he's the one responsible for that final TNG film that shall not be named, and I have to go to both IMDB and Wikipedia every time just to reconfirm that I am sorely mistaken. He did write IV, so there is that. Why folk think he directed it is beyond me.

Frakes sits off screen, sipping from yet another tumbler of whiskey.

Considering it's the one I've watched the least amount of times (and that includes the final TNG film that shall not be named) I did finally revisit it for the first time in probably 20 years a couple months ago and it's surprisingly -not- bad. You can tell they skimped on a couple of the non-spaceship/Genesis planet

Holy crap. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that. Complete misdirection there, and reminds me of how when I was growing up would mistake Kurt Russell for Patrick Swayze, as well as Tom Selleck for Burt Reynolds (and vice/versa for all involved). There was also a brief period when I used to mistake Kim