
This week's Savage Love is over that-a-way…

Isn't that redundant?

Hehe, "moist".

This has been a great season, but this is far and above a B plus. It's not that I was on the edge of my seat, it's that it moved everything forward, got some genuine laughs, had the requiste gore (also for laughs), and still left you hanging on for the next episode. Solid A here.

Let's think this through though: if Trump resigns/dies in office, the next in line is…Mike Pence. It's not really an improvement. And after him is fucking Ryan, who oddly doesn't seem so bad anymore, but I think that's because we've seen how the worst possible thing -now- makes the worst possible thing -then- seem so

APOD has been around since forever…when I got my first email and user account as a freshman at OSU in 1994 this was one of the first sites I found and for probably the next gen years it was my homepage until Google just made more sense for me. That it really hasn't changed all that much in 20+ years shows testament to

Eh, I'm full of bitter wisdom. Hardly the best of both worlds.

Damn I miss that place. Didn't help that the last year I lived in Madison I was on Jenifer St just a few blocks away from the Weary Traveler. Just looked at their menu and man I could go for some goulash about now. One of the worst years of my life was saved by being around good food.

Fat Squirrel!!! I was sure I was misremembering that name. Thank you. Love that beer.

Cannot agree with you more here. I'd even settle for the summer wheat or whatever that was, at least it wasn't fucking fruit beer.

Hey, I miss me some Spotted Cow. That said, New Glarus Brewery is by far more than a step up from Sam Adams.

Scott Walker is the #1 reason why I am so happy not to be living in WI anymore. #2 by a distant margin is the winter of '07-08. Fuck. That. Snow.

I have a vague recollection of hearing about this, and while TFA was definitely composed as a concept, it's the one album of hers that I have so desperately wanted to like and just can't get into it. Just feel like she tried too hard. I bought it pre-release with the actual artwork book that was limited edition, and

Hence, the "rare" case situation. Also helps that the baby is the spawn of secondary characters (to an extent, of course…you know what I'm trying to say!).

I have a feeling that this is going to be the rare case of a baby NOT ruining a great show.

Huh, I forgot all about that. Now I'm gonna have to re-watch season one again. One could say he's getting back at Becka through Gretchen, in a sense. I know that's not the real underlying reason, but it does add a bit of perspective.

In re: to the NIN reference, I swear that scene is also somewhere in the "Closer" video (the longer cut, I think).

Yeah, that scene with him carrying her stuff into Dorothy's apartment made me cringe that this didn't go the way I immediately thought it would. Thank god he left and nothing happened. The last thing either of them need.

I love the fact that the "Blue Box" is not only still there, but it's plugged in.

Something along the lines of "My dad said he was going out and that was a week ago." Think it was somewhere in the middle of last season…can't quite recall.