

In regards to using Aimee Mann's "Save Me", I'm of the mind that someone needs to write a play/film utilizing her "Bachelor No.2" album, front to back. I can't recall if she intended it to be a quasi-concept album, but it has always seemed that way to me.

hehe, "members".

Everyone makes mistakes.

I find it amazing that I'm agreeing with you on something for the second time in maybe less than a week. Doesn't happen often, but those two sentences sum up my thoughts on Fantastic Beasts and the Hobbit precisely. I tried watching the first Hobbit, and have fallen asleep every time. Oh well.

Jeez. Let it go already.

I know I made that joke too, but it was probably like a year ago and I have to agree, it's worn a bit thin and doesn't hold true these days.

I read them up to Goblet, which I stopped halfway through (too much life crap going on) and maybe it's just having at least a base knowledge of what was going on allowed me to not experience this confusion of which you speak. Having said that, I've tried to read TLOTR so many times it's not even funny, and don't get

Suggesting an animated Harry Potter, I'm honestly surprised it hasn't happened yet. I imagine that Rowling just wants to maintain as much control as possible over it and letting it go to kids' script writers would destroy her.

I kinda see what he's saying when he mentions that it's not played all over cable or online services like the MCU and what not, but I recall the last time I was around family for any winter holiday (like 3-4 years ago) that some cable channel like TBS or maybe even ABC Family was doing a week long marathon of the

You're right, he deserved to get dumped -in- the creek.

I keep on forgetting that it's not Point Park College anymore. Ah, the old days…


"Help me Obi-Bone Kenobi, you're my only bone."

What about special K?

Every move you won't take.

I'm sure this is hardly a new development.

Idle Hands will make you like the Quick and the Dead. You're also just like all those Slackers I see at Wally World, using cheap bait for folk like me to make bad comments with movie references.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who is hoping for that song inclusion. Go big or go home!!!

For whatever reason, whenever I see Slipknot mentioned I immediately think of ICP, and that's exactly what I thought was going on in this film…that one of the guys from ICP was playing a cop. I know ICP did a movie a couple years back, but that it took me reading the whole review and then realizing that Slipknot are