
Apparently not enough for this to get greenlighted.

By rejection, do you mean "rejection" or an actual breakup? Because if the former, then sit down, shut up, get over it, and move on. There's a lot of people out there looking for love (or just a nice evening) just like you. If the latter, my response has gone from Eh, I Knew It Was Coming to being depressed out of my

It's been forever since I've seen someone post "French French Stewart" and I forgot how funny that is to me. I needed a good laugh today.

-This is me in a buttshell-

I just got home from nearly four months on the road for contract work and have essentially sat on my ass for the last two weeks. I honestly don't know how I would have gone into work this last week just cause it sucked so bad. And then of course, Cohen, just to top it off. This was the first comedy "news" show I've

Does that mean that there are now 90 steps rather than 12?

That you know what a bandolier is reminds me of the line from Fight Club in regards to knowing what a duvet is.

Dammit. Beat me to it.

Try Bud Dry!!!

If wishes were horses…

Big Red NO.

Eh, potato, potataho.

Coming to Adult Swim in 2017!!!

That Ash made the puppet go around corners and pop up in windows before he did was something completely out of the blue and worked perfectly.

That's the exact vibe I got too, and was just as surprised as Ash when he finally got his hand free and it was still there.

Eh, have a Shemp Beer. It'll ease your pain.

This is actually the best explaination I've heard yet. Granted, why would loss of immortality affect hair color is a good question, but I'm willing to go with it since nothing else works.

No joke, that's exactly how I read it the first time too. And my immediate first question was not "did i read that right?" but "how does adult swim have 412 million online members but such low viewership?".

That's just…eww.

I'm mildly curious about this. I'm also wondering how this wasn't a Ken Burns project from about 20 years ago. From the sound of it, also seems like they pretty much half-assed it for the entire 8 hours, which considering the wealth of archive footage they probably had at hand seems like a waste of time on their part.