
It would be nice if we can stop turning every comment into some political comment. I come here to get away from that (for the most part). JFC. Trump won. Let's make the next four years make America remember why he was a bad choice.

Thank you, Sean. Reading this really brought home my own life and indecision about what to do after death. I've been on the road for work since early July, and my grandmother passed away the day after my last contract ended. Victim of circumstance, at least I was only 300 miles away rather than 800. Three and a half

Thank you, Sean. Reading this really brought home my own life and indecision about what to do after death. I've been on the road for work since early July, and my grandmother passed away the day after my last contract ended. Victim of circumstance, at least I was only 300 miles away rather than 800. Three and a half

Thank you, Sean. Reading this really brought home my own life and indecision about what to do after death. I've been on the road for work since early July, and my grandmother passed away the day after my last contract ended. Victim of circumstance, at least I was only 300 miles away rather than 800. Three and a half

The squirrels are not taking kindly to your insult to them.

Misery loves company. And god knows we have a lot of both.

No joke. I feel the pain of being a Browns fan, and I'm in fucking GA.

Oddly I said this in my repost of this to my FB, but I have the added bonus of my last grandparent passing away three weeks ago. Granted she was 97, and went in 24 hours very peacefully, but damn. 2016 needs to give it a rest (not intentional) and 2017 needs to come now so we can at least start fresh.

This brings a smile to my face every time I see it here at the AVC.

Yeah, he was gonna play Keyser Soze.

I have used that line a couple times when in some random restaurant office and the phone rings. For whatever reason I'll be closest to the phone, and "This ain't even my desk!". Considering how fucked up most chefs are, this usually gets at least a good chuckle.

"Let's put Gwyneth's head in a boxd!!!"—Evan Dando

Didn't Posehn come out of there? I swear there is probably some inside joke behind that chicken story.

Good Lord, I bet you're a blast at weddings.

I just found it to be a mildly amusing sub-sub plot, like how they kept ignoring Paul, which admittedly I found to be much funnier.

Last wedding I went to (2009) was the first time I'd seen my friend, the groom, in five years. Even though we had grown up together and were even roommates for a bit, I was looking around the room and even at the people I was seated with at the reception dinner and thinking to myself "I know all of six people in this

And emus that probably got killed in place of the ostriches.

Damn. Hadn't even thought of that solution. Thanks!!!

I don't live there anymore, but I read that apparently the governor of my home state of OH decided he wasn't going to vote for Trump, and made it publicly known that he voted for John McCain. This is reason #4958 why I don't live there anymore, because WTF.

Or the hits just don't keep coming…