
Hey Spidey, everyone gets one right? So do your fucking job and save us from this idiocy.

Aside from the venue, this sounds exactly like how I saw Mark Eitzel at the Andy Warhol many years back. Auditorium maybe sat 150 but there were perhaps 50 of us there. Open seating, and he played like it was a stadium. And then we had drinks with him afterwards. That he played "I've Been A Mess" and I swear he looked

Yeah, I know. My keyboard is all fucked up. Need a new laptop but can't afford it right now.

Fuck Prodigy.

The real question that needs to be asked is "Who is responsible for thinking he was a good director, especially for this?"

Yeah, that this was even a thing to be questioned made me wonder if some people really do have too much time on their hands. And then I remembered: Internet.

I would watch this purely for the reason that I love Aimee Mann. Probably one of the best shows I've ever been to.

"Perversely undisguinished" is another phrase I'd liken to this abomination of "Hey let's do a WWII movie" and fuck it up entirely due to acting, producing, and the director.

That honestly took me a second to figure out, and then I remembered how much I hate Amy Brenneman. She somehow figured out how to get into a major Hollywood film and parlayed it into getting a show named…Judging Amy.

Hey!! I'm still in mourning over CompuServe.

Eww. I have a bad idea it's related to sounding.

He's not allowed to sent it over, but he can walk over to your cubical and make IT work.

'Cause Lord knows that never happens in our technologically advanced year of 2016.

Oddly, Steve Jobs is done.

So there's either a lot of venues called the "Living Room" or that really means what I think it does.

Once again, doing the smart thing despite how stupid it was. Can't imagine the $$$ he got for this, especially since it was the main track from Godzilla.

Ha, re-reading that comment made me see how fucked up that sounded. Regardless, I'd like to see a movie about my family as well, akin to The Squid and the Whale. But I hardly see my father being portrayed by Jeff Daniels.

It's funny cause it's horribly true. Jesus fucking Christ.

Ya know, this is why it's nice to be a minor commentor on the AVC, because you get stuff like this that makes it all better and shows we actually give a rats ass (sometimes). Thank you. It really is the little things in life.

I'm agreeing to disagree, simply because I had the opposite experience. I watched The Killer first, and it changed my perspective of action movies and HK film in general. Then I watched Hardboiled and it just seemed so over the top and campy, but I still liked it, but it's always second fiddle to The Killer. However,