
For whatever reason ("it's a disney film" i'm sure my parents said at the time) I saw The Black Hole in the theater when I was like 4 or 5. Loved it. Even the strange bits with ESP and the ending (Jesus, the ending…that would never pass in a "kids" movie anymore). I got the pop-up picture book for Christmas in 1980

Ashes to ashes
Funk to funky
We know Major Tom's a junkie
Hung out in Heaven's high
Hitting an all-time low

I'm not denying how great those scores are, it's that Williams seems to just do the same thing over. And honestly, I couldn't hum a single bar of Jurassic Park if a gun was to my head. No recollection. And Lost in Space?

Teeth AND bones.

It's funny cause he walked out on his own show!!!

I find it odd that I loved Williams when I was growing up, but then realized he used the same tropes all the time. Goldsmith and Kamen may have borrowed a lot, but at least they tried to branch out occasionally. Goldsmiths' score for The Russia House may not be brilliant, but it left a lasting impression on me for

I can only hope for a musical number to open this monologue. Cause everyone wants to hear Chappelle sing of course.

I'm rich, bitch.

The "ballroom" scene (I guess you'd call it that) with Aphrodite and the Baron dancing in the air…that music get's stuck in my head just as often, but probably because it's a waltz. Fuck, I may just have to watch it again just for the music.

I had honestly forgotten all about her but when reading the track listing for her two better albums I found myself humming the songs…and seriously, it's been at least 15 years since I listened to any of her music. She was good for being a proto-Lilith Fair singer/songwriter. Plus, I still really like that one she did

I was perusing a slightly older friends tapes and CDs in the early 90's and after seeing that album, asked "Is it any good?" He didn't miss a beat and point blank said "It's the only album I have paid full price for and listened to only once also. I refuse to get rid of it so I always have a reminder that just because

Hell, my favorite QT film is True Romance.

While I love Hardboiled, The Killer is the John Woo film that set the standard for him (and he never even came close to ever again). It is fantastic, and that I still recall entire scenes while not having seen it in at least 10 years says a hell of a lot.

Plus Sam Phillips as Irons' sidekick!!!

I always forget that he did the score for that, and the main theme gets stuck in my head -all- the time. That it is such an incredibly awesome movie helps too, and I watch it at least once every year. But he nailed the theme and mood of that film perfectly with his score.

Jameson of course, but Jameson Gold is much better. Powers is the best of the old school cheapies, Grant's is like drinking Listerine. Delving into single malts, Connemara really is good for being the only "authentic" Irish single malt, but it's often impossible to find stateside because of some import issue…which I

Hey!! I liked that movie. Grew up listening to old Shadow episodes on LP and even saw it in the theater with my sister (and possibly dad). It was actually pretty damn good I thought.

As I recall, Jimmy Page also played on the song with Diddy, so it's not like he wasn't essentially given tacit approval for that abomination.

Reminds me of the Mother Goose & Grimm Sunday comic from years ago: "Where am I, and why am I in this handbasket?"

Wow. Thanks for that childhood reminder of the '80s. Beastmaster. They really did show that at least once a week, I swear. I may have watched it beginning to end -once-, because I was sure that I was watching Conan the Barbarian. 7-8 year old me was pretty dumb and gullible sometimes.