
Fapping like the rest of us…

There is a reason I have a Smithwicks bottle opener on my keychain. That and I really can't drink Guinness anymore for some reason, it just tears my upper and lower GI into pieces the next day, and that's even if I just limit it to one or two pints. Smithwicks, tho, I can drink that all night and have no ill effects.

To be screened at some Ivy League university I'm sure…

Three Men and a Baby?

Jesus this was hard to watch. Granted I'm not even two weeks removed from my only remaining grandparents' death, but shit I chose the wrong time to finally watch Black Mirror. And binge on it.

I'm only a few years late, but while Trollope's story got mentioned, I'm surprised that Brian Aldiss' novel "Somewhere East of Life" isn't at all, even in the comments. The novella that starts the book, F.O.A.M., is easily a genesis of the story presented here. Also of note is that the acronym stands for "Free Of All

In light of your response I'm definitely not going to try any kind of response, but thanks for reminding me of Drives Like Jehu. And also, I like your def of math rock at the end. It does tend to make sense. Cheers.

I also always heard of HUM and Modest Mouse described as "math", and that was probably around 1997-98? I'm definitely gonna be checking these guys out, never heard of them and it's a damn shame they aren't together anymore.

I read the same article and was amazed that I had never heard of that guy before. How has someone like this simply been scrubbed from common history?

But bacon vodka! Bacon infused coffee (is that a real thing? it needs to be!). Bacon is the new ranch dressing!!

Pretty sure Twin Peaks covered this, and to a lesser extant, Northern Exposure.


At least you're getting bags of dicks. Some of us ain't gettin' nothing!!

Frakes takes a sip from the tumbler of whiskey, and simply says "No."


WOW. That I get this and you said it is just fucked up.

Editing has been shit since all the Dissolve folk came back. Oh wait. It was shit before, but at least they somewhat cared then.

For some reason this sentence has me still laughing five minutes later. I even walked away from the PC. Still laughing.

I like this theory, and wholly suggest that all the X-Files extras are now missing a foot (or two).

I'm glad I kept reading the comments before posting the same really bad joke. I played for a bit in college and this never failed in getting groans of Shut the fuck up.