
Somehow, from this article I came across (through numerous wikipedia articles, of course) the name of a few Nazi commanders I'd never heard of before, and then of course a concentration camp I'd never heard of, and I swear the atrocities that men (and women, don't want to discriminate) upon each other in the name of

And…upvoted for username/comment synergy.

Hey, Mulder, Scully would like a word with you.

This is perhaps the best reply to our favorite first-poster ever. Unfortunately this wasn't the first comment, but you get my gist. Gotta love the conspiracy theories tho, and this is a great one.

But bacon makes everything better!!! Even new categories on the AVC!!!

Stereotypes are a bitch when it comes to paying the bills…

That I didn't even know what a Josh Trank was until this article says more than that Wikipedia does.

So, you're with ISIL?

I just rewatched a lot of the Neil Finn "7 Worlds Live" concert and I forgot how great his rendition was. Probably helps that Marr was there.

Now you're just quoting Patrick Stewart in regards to the theme for "Blunt Talk".

As Youuuu Wiissshhh!!!

Ewww…I didn't know they were from West Virginia.


I honestly thought he has started to let up with the "C" grades, 'cause I swear it's more like a B or B- that seems to be his standard. Unless it's utter tripe, in which I'm sure we can all agree that the D is more than deserved.

Ein with the wig always catches me off guard when I rewatch this episode. I'm bingeing CB this last week and while I only revisit the series about every 3-4 years I'm still surprised about how much I forget. I think it's the little touches (like Ein wearing the wig) that prove how great this series is. Flat out

I nearly fell off the chair laughing when he said this. I know everyone is fucked up in so many different ways on this show, but it still surprises me by how true to character they stay. Vernon saying this made me laugh and also go "what the fuck is wrong with you?" at the same time. Jesus.

I forgot this, and damn if it wasn't perfect Lindsey.

I kept thinking after (and even before) the commercial breaks that we'd finally get over to Jimmy and Gretchen and…it never happened. I'm perfectly fine with it, and this episode was great in that it was essentially a bottle show and while everyone was mentioned, it was only just Paul and Vernon and their shared

This needs to happen. I figured a show like this would never have a spin-off, but who knew?

I spent a couple hours catching up on the last few episodes of YTW, even rewatching the PTSD ep of Edgar…damn this show is so incredibly good, and it gets so little attention. I honestly kinda thought this one was a bit meh, but on digesting it and reading the review it really is -that- good. It's crazy that a series