
It has probably been 20 years since I rewatched that particular episode and that I can still hear Worf's inflection when saying that line is insane.

Thank you…it's amazing

Finchers cut is so much better


We all told you not to mention his name

Link or I'm calling bullshit.

Honestly, WTF

Urban dictionary is not giving me the answer I was hoping for

I was checking out of my hotel in Columbus OH at 11:30 am having to buy a new phone at noon, spent an awful long time driving to Philly to drop off my rental car, barely made my train at 4:30 am, multiple delays, layover in D.C., and finally got back to my place in Savannah for the first time since early July at

I fell asleep 20 minutes into the first one, and is RedBox still a thing?

And nothing like that sweet flavor of cage-free tobacco!!

So I shouldn't have been using them as coasters on my discount IKEA coffee table is what ur saying?

That's actually mildly intriguing. Link?

I…don't get it. Oh.

Our soulds don't need as much saving as our maths.

Thanks for that reminder

No HGH or GMO's!!! Packed with vitamin C!

This is a positive reminder that 1980's "kids" movies were filled with stuff that would be getting an R rating these days. I saw Goonies in the theater when it came out with my brother and a bunch of our cousins, and it is a fun family fact that, walking out of the film, my brother (17 at the time, so I must have

Should've joined the army…

I think you mean "duck duck goo"