
Someone has to pay Scientology. The Church of

I'm just trying to figure out who Nick Gordon is.

This sounds like a great doc. Also: I love how Cat in the Hat is the previous review. What a piece of shit.

This has nothing to do with your comment, but I'm still convinced that Michael Richards redeemed himself with that last episode of CICGC during the first season. He knew he fucked up. And then he was funny again.

I've found myself thinking him and Dave Eggers are the same person. Somewhat similar style, made a big hit when their first book came out and everyone seemingly read it, but as time progresses and they keep writing, it's just the same motifs. And don't get me wrong: I still reread Eggers' first book every couple

I'm surprised Sloan is only mentioned once.

I actually just rewatched Nobody's Fool a couple months ago (when the original author decided a sequel was necessary) and while it's hardly a great movie, it does have great performances from all involved. For just a slice of life movie set in a random upstate NY town, Willis, Newman, and all do a pretty good job.

There is no liking this. One of the coolest people I ever worked with (and was married to my bar manager back in the day) decided to off herself earlier this year. And talking to my oldest cousin the other day, he had the unfortunate ordeal of having to pull the plug on his ex-wife who he's been divorced from since at

Idle as Berthold in "Baron Muenchausen" is unforgettable. Such a horribly underrated film.

And they are all dying in the same order as the Abbey Road cover. Which means Ringo is gonna live forever, cause sex n drugs n rock and roll.

John Quincy Adams and his mutton chops are a close second though.

So even as a minor character in Pacific Rim you'd like him back?? What about Hellboy 3?!?

Go on…

One of my former bar managers kids' middle name is Danger.

Someone should tell Franco this. It may help.

The Bell is back!!!

This remains one of my favorite movies, simply because I was working on my grandfather's farm the summer this came out and my dad left work early just to pick up 10 year old rogue to go see the movie because he knew I loved and watched Transformers after school every day. It's bad, it's cheesy, it's just like every

Funny as I hit the post tab I immediately thought back on all the CDs I owned back in the day (500 and then some) and I hung my head in shame. Because I still pull that Sponge/Rotting Pinata full album up on youtube from time to time. It's really not -that- bad.

Drinking Buddy's powers include the ability to consume a 24 pack a night, remain sober constantly, noxious farts, and being able to take multiple beatings with ease, yet waking up the next day and not having any idea where all those bruises came from.

I am so incredibly embarrassed for you having this useless trivia stuck in your head.