
-high hat- thank you, try the veal, don't forget to tip your waitress!! -golf swing-

I was 10 when Challenger exploded. We were watching the live feed at school and interestingly enough our teachers kept it all on. Watched the address by Reagan that night and "High Flight" is one of those poems that still kinda make me think I have some dust in my eye. My apologies on the trolling slam.

You say that as if it is a bad thing…

Geez, where at in WI are you?

"Cone of Incontinence" was what got me. Thank you

I thought it was Neil Young

Hey! I was born that year!!

Once a dick, always a dick

Between Fight Club and the original Total Recall, this was my go to late night dvd around 2002-2004. Probably haven't seen it since 2009 but it still held up well then.

Your sensitivity is amazing, and there are better, less trolling ways of expressing how much you dislike a particular thing. Thanks for sharing.

I never knew it existed until the morning that the Columbia space shuttle blew up. My upstairs neighbor, who was also my bar manager, came down and we watched to news footage for probably two hours. It just got to be two much and on a whim I flipped over the Starz and Papillion was just starting. Saw that it was Steve

Dammit. Did you read the review just like me? Come on, give that SPOILER alert!!

Up voted for Neil Finn, because he is a god. One Nil is still in my top ten favorite albums of all time.

There is so much more to this than you are giving us. I'd caste a spell of truthiness upon you but I'm just a rogue thief and not a cleric.

I'm upvoting you simply because I find it hard to believe anyone has ever watched that movie again since it was released.

Ohio has gone to hell since I left. I mean this. The rampant fraud going on, I'm pretty sure a few people got kicked out of office in the 'oghts. The democratic or at least 50/50 state that I grew up in has swung so far right I'm fucking embarrassed by it on a daily basis.

OSU put the "THE" in just before I attended. I refuse, as a comparative lit wanna be, to recognize this idiocy.

A list with your name on it is not a list.


Just one more reason why that state up north sucks. And yes, I am from Columbus, OH and went to Ohio State University.