
"Mercury" is one of my all time favorite albums. Between that and "San Francisco", Eitzel really hit his peak lyric writing. I've only seen him perform once, at the Warhol in Pittsburgh back in probably 2002. He was solo with just a guitar and went through all the favorites as well as some solo stuff. The rendition of

"Mercury" is one of my all time favorite albums. Between that and "San Francisco", Eitzel really hit his peak lyric writing. I've only seen him perform once, at the Warhol in Pittsburgh back in probably 2002. He was solo with just a guitar and went through all the favorites as well as some solo stuff. The rendition of

I see what you did, and I'm not encouraging it.

This is something I was unaware of, but makes perfect sense in light of the four TNG films.

I saw it but unlike the one for that horror movie that I'll probably never watch, I'm holding off on reading the Star Trek one just cause I want to actually see it first. I used to think that SS was a bad idea, but honestly, it saves me the time of wanting to know the twist in movies that I'm mildly intrigued by but

Unlike that Oasis album though, I still like Into Darkness.

don't fuck them, i mean, merge, with them as well.

Darkness had the makings of a good film but just couldn't develop the ideas enough (to rephrase what you already said). It got bogged down so bad it hurt.

I turned 40 late last year and in that previous year found myself watching Wrath on Netflix at least once a week, even if it was just to throw on the laptop before I fell asleep. It's a crazy meditation on a lot of plains of thought, all of them related to age and the decisions we make when we were brash and young and

Why not?!?

Actually, a series centered around new Starfleet Academy cadets really wouldn't be a bad idea. You get the drama of the YA idiocy added with sci-fi in the Star Trek world. The spin-offs are endless as you go with who the popular characters are and then see their progression in their own proper show.

Can't agree with you more. The Double B's ran a good thing into the ground, but at least they tended to surround themselves with good talent and would run with better stories and episodes than they were used to producing.

I'm actually surprised there wasn't a link to a Spoiler Space article at the end.

Jeez, I'm a professional chef and have a sick sense of humor but I'm just like, damn, that's fucked up. I still have a little bit of dignity and respect for folk who die in fucked up situations.

I'm mildly intrigued by this. Were there a lot of cuts? And I can't recall if Meyer directed as well as wrote the story. Regardless, I have a feeling it would have been a pretty different film. And see my comment a few above this. Nemesis really doesn't deserve the legacy it has gotten (it's still pretty bad though,

I'm actually kinda interested in reading this. Seeing how TNG came off its best film with First Contact and followed it up with what, like everyone has said, is a standard weekly episode blown up into a movie, I have always found it interesting that -this- is the story they went with. Granted, if they hadn't run the

I see what you did there, and it's sad you didn't get more upvotes.

"Hey Bevis, this guy doesn't get it, hehe."

Thinking along those lines, Evil Dead 2 should have also been considered. I mean, when Ash chops off his possessed hand and the book he sees is "A Farewell to Arms"? I still remember the first time I saw ED2 and I was on the floor laughing. Yes, Evil Dead has you on the edge of the chair sometimes but because it's

On purpose or ironically?