
"Let's go, Ghostbusters, let's go!!"

I do have it on my list. And I made GPB too early of a cut off for him: I always forget about High Fidelity, even tho I just rewatched it and it holds up pretty damn well.

I read it as a homage to that scene in Spider-Man 2 on the metro as they pass Spidy along after he saves the train.

The differentiation between the two is what is often lost on so many of us.

I dream of a time when Grosse Pointe Blank wasn't just the end of his great acting. I rewatched The Grifters a year ago and I was scratching my head going, WTF happened?

Or having the support of Truman behind him.

I'mmmaaa goonnaa need drunk to seee this. Ya'll see Da Hasgnhover? itsss thle sheets.

Youre tweet needs to be toileting less often!

Still not "Tango in the Night" money for coke. As much as I like knowing Kim and Frank are working together again, nothing is ever gonna be as great as Debaser.

It's the little thingsā€¦

Arby's and Taco Bell tag team?

You were simply doing it wrong.

And now I need to reread all the Hitchhikers and Dirk Gently books.

I'm traveling south this year.

Dear Lord I can't believe this wasn't the first comment. Absolutely perfect.


Charlie Sheen would like a word with you


You mean baccarat and hookers.