
"Up next after the break…"

Even Pros have standards.

So just like that George Harrison song "Wah-Wah"?

What I fear is that after we've blown ourself up, centuries from now some other space fairing culture will come across these and think that this is what we were.

What about Panama Jack?

I read that second sentence as "She could take horse phallus all day for all I care" and then realized there is no way that Catherine the Great has been reincarnated.

1 George Michael is equal to 1 Wham?

I had a horse dick wrapped in foil under my snakeskin pants and tried going thru airport security once. I didn't succeed.

So much for cubits.

-Tonight Show theme, golf swing, "try the veal! And don't forget to tip your waiter!-

I like this defense, and I'll take it regardless if it is false. At least I still had some standards at the time. Even if they are low standards, they are still standards.

You wanna talk about John Hughes?

I find that guy insufferable as well. Altho his first band wasn't all that bad.

Yes, but I was undiscriminating in my comedy film choices in 2009. Also, the bars around me weren't showing new movies on a big screen with ample A/C during a particularly hot and humid Charlotte summer.

Do we need to bring up that episode again? Cause frankly, I found it hilarious and one of the best of the season.

I'm mildly concerned that I may end up seeing this movie three times in the theater like I did with The Hangover. I should also note that I was always liquored up beforehand and they served alcohol at this cinema.

Does it really matter?

"You're the Worst" is so far and beyond one of the best shows on TV anymore. I'm a fan of Veep and Silicon Valley and of course Archer but this show…damn. I'm ten years past its primary demographic but the writing and idiocy, plus how well the actors are in their role is mind boggling to me. It is awesome, and I'm

Apparently everyone does

And then he breaks his glasses.