
Red is the best, but it's been so long that I've watched the trilogy (geez, has it been 20 years?) that I've forgotten everything. Hmm. Like watching a film again for the first time.

What I'm finding fun about this is trying to think back to my own alphabetization of my CD's and prime CD ownership time, probably around 2003-2004. I'm going along with Modell in the alphabet and it's funny how our tastes differ so much but I can relate in random places. Fugazi? The truly fun part is trying to

This is a great interview and love how it goes into the minutae of how randomness can affect out lives. "I was working with this guy, and then we happened to be here, and he knew this person, and then some college friends knew/worked with someone else, and 30 years down the road there's his career and it's pretty hard

I just couldn't let @Benfoldsfan win.

When I look at pro sports I look at the history. Browns lost that team. The Indians haven't won a championship since…1956? Browns since before the NFL merger in 1964. That all three are back in town I'm hoping for a solid resurgence.

Only -three- Wayans brothers?!? Seething with outrage!!!

This still has me laughing ten minutes later. I then spent another five looking for this comment. And now laughing again.


A week? Hell, a couple of days would be nice. Or in this case, hours.

I'm willing to believe the conspiracy behind this. Nothing else makes any fucking sense.

The USAF museum hangs it's head in shame.

Isolation Drills is one of the latter day (considering 2004 to be latter day) GBV albums that's is worth checking out. It's one of the few that enabled me to get a lot of folk onboard. Yeah it's a pretty polished work but the songs are great and it's good front to back.

So much for not having "farting boner corpse" in response.

Up voted for "gun fondling".

Guns don't kill people. People kill guns.

At 7:00, on your local classic rock station, WLVQ!!

I've never known where to place Zappa. Is he a counter-culture god? Is he that voice that makes you rethink that vote? Is his music even good? Was he the prototype for Wierd Al? My head prep chef 15 years ago got me into him for a minute and all I remember is "Don't eat the yellow snow".

I'm mildly intrigued by this. That it has my doppelgänger, Ethan Hawke, is worse. Is there a role he doesn't turn down these days? It honestly seems like every three months there is a film with him in in, so much more than the 90's heyday.

I'm wondering if W.B. Yeats was a follower. Granted I don't think he ever traveled to KA but sounds just as scetchy.

Only by 300 Spartans.