

Have they made a "Father's Day" movie yet? I'm fully convinced he would be great in it!!

Thanks for that one, Spidey!!!

No joke. I'm looking at 41 later this year and damn if the last five years have been a clusterfuck for me. No real stability (kind of a 50/50 when it comes to either my own idiocy or just making seemingly smart decisions that end up being dumb) and no work that has lasted longer than a year. I'm truly hoping my older

I'm sure it's already been commented on, but talking with Malcom Gladwell trumps Brad Pitt, and I'm kinda disappointed there wasn't a follow up about Gladwell. Perhaps he was at the same birthday party for Gates.

Just the tip?

You forgot to include the copious amounts of drugs. I'm fairly convinced that, while Noel and Liam are pretty much dicks, if they would stop doing coke they would probably get along, family-wise.

Abraham Lincoln confirms this. He also says you misread that fifteen inch part, it's actually five.

Too soon!!

That's gold!

This film actually happened. The number of folk involved not only amazes me but damn, what a fiasco.

So incredibly late to the party, but this line summed it all up:

I'm hoping that Isolation Drills was one of the GBV discs saved. One of the better latter day (as I'm saying this in 2016) GBV albums. I was able to get a lot of converts because of this.

That's just a given.

This is a great write up, and while I didn't watch any of it (go Pens!!) I try to keep up on theatre and this was awesome. And as I read that minor quote from Steve Martin it was entirely in his voice in my head.

Shoot first. Think never.

I actually had a 1950's era console radio/record player that played 78s. Powered by vacuum tubes and all, and definitely came in handy as I came into possession of a lot of 1920's classical and jazz at the time. Unfortunately, both are long gone but I'm still amazed that the record player still worked after over 40

I'm quite happy with my wax cylinders and that new fangled victrola. Geez that thing is loud.

Featuring Johnny Cash.

So I guess we shouldn't talk about reunion tours?