
Better known as "Executive Producer".

All the hurt.

Poop. Flaming hot poop. That is the Hurt.

Because it came from a factory and not from him.

That's what she said

I didn't even need to expand that on my phone to just do a face palm

If your ad was here, you'd have read it by now.

Hell, Bill the Cat has been dead a few times and it never stopped him and Opus from running.

But I don't want to be a pirate!!!

Geez, that Plympton film…wtf.

Geez, that Plympton film…wtf.


Lifetime movie sold it. As in, never, ever ever watch this.

Um, me first. I don't really care.

Apparently you havnt experienced chefs arse…moisture and chaffing combined.

Of What?!? Inquiring minds want to know…

And there, my friends, is your fun fact of the day.

I didn't realize there was a film about my life. I'm now checking for hidden cameras and mics.

I highly suggest looking up Mark Strong on Wikipedia. I have a feeling he edits his own page.

Funny how I take note of the release dates sometimes, and you guys really do get screwed sometimes. Not that I have anything to do with it, but Sorry?