
Apparently, you have been proven wrong.

It was a -film-?

I'm upvoting simply for your plea at the end: Sorry for your suffering, Mike.

I can't recall the last time I upvoted you, but dear god. I just did two minutes reading over Plympton's Wiki entry, and I knew that I had heard about him, but damn. What is his fucking point? and even better, how old is his wife (as of 2011)? And he has a kid?

Sounds like how I feel when a decent major release comes out in the UK before the US. I think to myself, "Just because Hollywood produced it in the UK, does that automatically mean they get first viewing rights?". And then I realize that yes, apparently, that is the way that it works.

Same here, and while I did finally watch it a couple years after it came out I realized it wasn't -all- that bad, but I tend to group it into the CKY/Jackass arena, where I know I laughed, I had a good time watching it, and yeah it had a plot (unlike the afformentioned CKY/Jackass idiocy) but it pretty much falls into

I find it amazing that I have no knowledge of this at all. And I was still, at least at times, tuning into MTV just for shits n giggles. Thanks for giving me yet one more turn of the century idiocy that passed me by.

Hey Spidey!! Every movie gets one!!

I have a feeling my mom and your mom would get along. This is also assuming that my mother would ever consider, or even get tricked into, watching "This Is Spinal Tap".

Just make sure you turn your volume up to 11 so you can truly enjoy the sound.

Thanks, you pedantic…oh, I forgot about that. Thanks!!!

I'm still waiting for my suggestion to take hold, that being that with the AVC reviews they should just imbed the latest trailer in the header pic. It's hardly promotion, and it's not like the AVC doesn't already have articles about the latest trailers (or even pics) from upcoming films.

That is a great turn of phrase: I'm neurotic about a lot of things, but not about my brain. I suppose I could say the same about myself a lot of the time.

I watched that when I first got Netflix streaming and…it's not that it's a bad movie, it's that it was done so much better before. That Alec Baldwin (the only actor I can recall being in it) as the dad seemed entirely shoehorned in is what sank it for me.

How does it go…"I'm nostalgic for conversations I haven't even had yet?" I will be very disappointed if this doesn't make an appearance this week.

A better adaptation of "The Mysteries of Pittsburgh"?

Filmed in and around CMU, as well as local landmarks like Soldiers and Sailors (where the festival was filmed) and random points around North and South Oakland. I think Grady's house was in Shadyside, but can't recall correctly. Whenever I feel nostalgic for Pittsburgh, I watch Wonder Boys. The entire feel of the

Which is a good song for being latter Dylan. The soundtrack itself is pretty sold front to back.

They told us what they want, what they really, really want.

I was trying to remember her name for some unknown reason a couple weeks ago until I said out loud to no one but myself, "Why do I care about this?" and promptly forgot this minor crisis of minor pop culture amnesia in my life.