
I'd rather not. This is unfortunate for the entire human race. And the internet.

"Yinz gots any Yuengling?" I went ahead and corrected that for you.

Especially art!!

Was his name Rudy?

This entire thread reminds me of a book I had to get through in on of my comparative lit courses. It basically encompassed the outliers of sci-fi during the late 80s-early 90s and of course covered slant-fic. My mind has never been the same since reading and seeing Spock and Kirk in a relationship. As I recall, the

But that's what mad it so….human.

Did I ever tell you about my fathers gold watch? It was a bit further up the ass…

It's not that I'm disagreeing with you, so much as I tried watching Spider-Man 2.0 (the first reboot, 'cause 3.0 is already in the works), and I absolutely hated Garfield as Spider-Man. Didn't even finish it, and I try my best to keep up with the Marvel universe. The "origin" story was crap. The acting was crap. I

That the airport is named for that guy is beyond me. It wasn't until after I had moved out of DC that I looked up the name and was pretty much, yeah, politics and the CIA can suck it.

Ok, I've already posted my views once, and that was before I actually -read- the review, but after reading the review…

I'm doing the one thing I always despise, which is posting before I read the review. This got a "C"? Seriously? It turned everything upside down, played it all for laughs, moved this season forward (finally), and even reconnected with hated CIA guys and conspiracy theory? I was sure that this was going to get the

Judging by the name of their company, it seems that they didn't even give it that.

Are you sure it's not Lance Bass?

I'm really hoping you're making this up. I got lost in the Badlands of SD in '98 and we still made it back just because topographical maps and sheer common sense.

Hopefully -not- in a diaper.

And it was great back in the day but can't say I've been there since…2004? Friend of mine was a FOH manager there for a second before we ended up opening Joe Mama's (RIP) in Oakland together in 2001.

If you want to fuck a movie, you may be doing it wrong…

That movie was the high point of me trying to get my friends at the time to elevate their movie choices. Needless to say it did work for a bit but then Lucas had to start re-releasing the special editions of Star Wars and we fell back into our old routines. Well, they did. I watched them all too but also Stilman and

And we will gladly let their afterbirth, the 70's, remain unspoken of.

For fucks sake that's beyond fucked up. Were they pulled by court order or by request? And frankly, if you "bequest" your archives, aren't they pretty much beyond legal ramifications such as this?