
CSI. The series that wanted to be L&O but was too trapped in and of itself and its times. I actually liked the mid-series run of the original and the cheesyness of Miami made it great. NY was a dead run and this? WTF is this. We all know Dick Wolf is a pain to work with but can we just get L&O back on? Chicago is

I'm mildly curious if this is a real thing. I always liked his work and did at least make it to page 220 of Infinite Jest before I just started reading the footnotes. I am of the opinion that of the folk that have bought/attempted to read IJ and finished it is around 20%.

Let's not forget the watermelons!!!


Spotify? Check. PS4? Check. Menards? Check. How is Wisconsin doing these days? And FWIW, I don't miss it.,

I see what you did there, and I just laughed my ass off. Thank you.

When is Sean coming back to the fold? And I haven't seen a Will Harris Random Roles in a while.

Tom Sellack and Burt Reynolds raise their glasses in acknowledgement. Also, they are not in the same room, because while having different personalities, they are the same person!! (Cue "Eastbound and Down/Magnum, P.I. medley theme song.)

As always, it can be two things…

That shitty Polanski movie was pretty decent until the end, when it seemed like the scriptwriters gave up and the producers ran out of money to do anything resembling even DeVry University-level graphics.

I read your response and I swear you're right. Stupid competition between in-studio networks. And while I don't remember much about the Locke & Key pilot, I do remember that i really liked it and was kinda pissed that they didn't take it up for a series.

Only in Greenland.

My cousin who was a huge baseball fan and card guy, sold it all in the early '00's for $20K. Granted he's eight years older than me and had his complete sets going long before I even cared about baseball, but the ransoms from the 50's-70's paid an nice down payment on his house back then.

Fun Fact: Ed Asner was once the president of the SAG. Go figure…

In the trunk?!?

You're mistaking this for ST:TNG:Generations, because throwing a lot of money at Stellar Cartography instead of a Klingon ship blowing up (or even a decent plot) is the right decision.

Ron Perlman is a national treasure and he and Bruce Campbell stand side by side as the hardest working, most awesome actors working these days. I dare anyone to say otherwise, 'cause I'll come at you with my hellistic rock-faced chainsaw and prove you otherwise.

Are you sure?

I watched the pilot online when it was still up for consideration. Have no idea how it got passed by FOX. It has to be out there somewhere, and now I have a project for the night.