
Just Swatch it off!!

You misspelled "bumped"….Oh, now I get it.

Calvin and Hobbes.

Ha, doesn't change his punchability-factor!

Not tall enough, but CGI? Then of course the arguement would be to just do away with the actor entirely and oh fuck here comes Jar-Jar…

Spielberg, Scorsese, Potato, Potahtoe.

Radishes are for salads. Move along.

Good Lord isn't that the truth. He really is pretty decent for his age but jeez I just want to throat punch him for irrational reasons.

But only in the male of the species.

My barbershop quartet will sing you out, stage left.

Something unusual as a deep hallmark of real love? I'd hardly say this is in any way original, but one that I've encountered across the many broad spectrums of love. That is washing dishes together. I never realized it as such until I read about it in a passage from Paul Theroux's "My Secret History", in the

Preferably not the USA.

Assy McGee, is that you?!?

I always forget that this came out in 1989, which was a good year for seeing a lot of movies in the theater for 13 year old Rogue_Like. Saw Batman three times, Last Crusade, and of course The Abyss. Saw it with my dad, and we were both pretty excited to be seeing it, to the point that it became a running joke to

I had the chance (and tickets) to see Pearl Jam three times and every time I had to give them up because I couldn't get out of work. Twice in the mid-90's and once in 2000. I basically gave up hope of ever seeing them live.

I actually found Less Than Zero to be highly readable and a lot better than the movie. American psycho, exactly the opposite.

"Aquaman jumps the shark." Oh, wait, that would mean the first movie actually got made.

This line never gets old. That I hear Jessica Walters voice when I read it makes it that much better.

-spits in sink-

Too Soon!!