
Crazy how true this is. I did, however, learn to tolerate it during the summer of 1995. I was geeking out on this game called Syndicate and after work I would boot it up and put on my headphones and listen to the The Police box set while blowing up cyborgs and figuring out missions. Whenever "Mother" would come on

Ghost in the Machine is still one of my top ten desert island albums, nearly 30 years after I first heard it. I like Synchonicity a lot (it's aged well for me) but I have always felt like Sting and the boys wrote the entire album with the image of a dark cloud following them around on the sunniest, happiest day of

I actually like it better than YPAA, although I'm willing to say that it's probably because of the time of life that I associate it with. It's one of the few albums I can think of off the top of my head that is truly solid front to back and one I never end up skipping songs.

That was absolutely awesome. Watched the CiCGC as well with Shandling, and while there isn't such a thing as a bad episode, his is up there with Michael Richards as one of the best. The nostalgic effect is heavy but just in key and not overbearing, and the banter is great.

As believable as this is, I need a link for proof. Also, because I need a good laugh.

Considering the AVC just did an article on Hum's "You'd Prefer An Astronaut", I'm surprised that the song "Apollo" off of their next album "Downward is Heavenward" isn't here. It's definitely in the same league as "Space Oddity" and "Rocket Man" in its' depiction of space as cold and lonely.

Denial about what?

Didn't Sean Penn say the same thing? And he was a Dead Man Walking.

"Never rub another mans rhubarb."

How is this for "denial and defensiveness": I'm rather happy without a fucking foreskin, and your mother probably had to have her vagina cut because your head was too big when she was getting rid of you, or as polite culture puts it, giving birth.

I've some bad news, perhaps we should sit down before I show you these photos from 1995…

Funny how if you set the bar low enough, even Billy Corgan will pass.

Considering how well D'arcy has faired since the SP I would definitely be considering her suspect number one.

I saw that picture and was thinking how that "zero" shirt probably isn't fitting too well anymore. And hell, it isn't like I haven't packed on a few pounds (and then lost, and gained more, and then lost…etc).

I'm developing a theory (that i'm sure has been presented somewhere, somehow, before, someplace on the internet) that while there are some shows that start off firing hot, it really doesn't matter because it is always seasons 3-4, assuming they make it that long, where they hit their peak. Granted I'm talking about

But then using the rind in a perfect minestrone!

yes, but there will be a lot of silence. and looking out the front windshield of cop cars. and coffee. lots of coffee.

I swear that as the camera panned away I saw his right arm go into either his coat or jacket and I was sure that we were gonna hear gunshots and Pimento going down.

Walters' delivery of that "Oh my God, that's right." killed it. Can't remember when I last rewatched that episode (or even what season it's from…last year?) but she just nailed it. The voice acting on Archer may possibly be one of the best assemblages of talent on an animated show these days (I'm putting very little

"These are not the dildos you are looking for."