
So both were trans from female to male? My mind is trying to figure this out, since I've figured out the male to female trans but this is something…new. And dont take the latter wrong, I am just brain dead right now and don't know better phrasing.

Also, as others have noted, thanks for doing this. Not that I'm lacking on time, I just don't get into the podcast thing. Capsulisations of it let me lead the life of a bad commentor!!

"A short about what it's like to get a BJ as a transman who has not had bottom surgery, produced by Buck Angel."

Possibly toast as well, but that remains to be experienced

Did you see the post about the Heavy Metal comic that is imaging a nirvana like band in the '90s?

Denise Crosby had an acting life beyond the Trek cons that she filmed? You really do learn something every day

Bucks = money
Bang = guns

Da fuck is a Periscope

Hopefully that RR will be done by Will Harris. Because I'd love to see the digging up of the dirt about this fiasco.

"…but just a bit less scat!"

not in West Virginia…why you lookin' at me weird?

I'd be highly disappointed if "Pittsburgh" didn't make the cut.

They'd have to make it to a seventh series for that

That just means you're doing it wrong.

I'd give real money just to shut him up. *

I -knew- that I watched that for the first time on NF!! Thought I had been imagining it the whole time.

Did Cartoon Express also carry Voltron in the '80s, or am I completely misremembering?

Pack up the van boys, we're heading back to Athens.

Don't be dissing Savannah. After all, we have the Baywatch movie crew here in town right now. We're important and inclusive, even towards Zach Effron.

Geez, I forgot that Mad TV even existed. And I swear it was running for at least 15 years? I remember trying to watch it at random times and thinking that there was no studio audience, that has to be a laugh track, because I never broke even a smile, let alone a smirk.