
That's not setting the bar very high.

Too Soon!!!

"I feel stupid, AND contagious."

Methinks Lucas forgot that the original three existed and was that "somebody".

I remember all the hate for it when it came out, and I did finally break down and watch it when stuck in a hotel for work sometime in late 2009. It was true. It was all true. I had the first three on the collectable VHS set that I bought in the mid-90s. I have watched Crystal Skull only that one time.

We don't care about semantics around these here parts.

You "say" you don't know what a "Lance Hunter" is…

Bro, that's like the most bro thing any bro has ever said in the history of bro.

Yeah. I hardly keep up with comics but I still have at least a little interest and if something catches my eye I'll definitely hunt it down, but geez. I know you have to keep up with the times, and it's not like this is the first time I've seen it, but when I -do- read comics, it's so I don't feel like I'm staring


I beg to differ on the automatic trans for SUVs. I had a jeep Cherokee for several years and I made sure it had a standard trans before purchase. Was a blast to drive on the highway when the snow was coming down. Pop the four wheel drive on and I was still cruising at 55-65 with excellent handling.

I also want to congratulate you on this. Gonna be useful.

I like your tactics, but I screen all calls and rarely pick up and just wait for the voice mail. This is even better in the age of land lines becoming obsolete. Check the caller ID, "oh, I didn't realiz it was you until I got to my phone and then you hung up before leaving a message!"

I really like Silicon Valley and while it's def of our time now, I like to think of it as what a movie version of Douglas Couplands' "Microserfs" would have been like. Oddly, now would bea great time to finally option that for film. It -has- been 20 years since the interwebs blew up.

I have two sheds: one when she's into it, and one when Donald's not.

when i read this as sarcasm it makes a hell of a lot of sense.

well, lets think about this. Barrymore. Chaney. Downy (already mentioned in the replies). Fairbanks. Any of the Scorscese related folk (God only knows how many of them there are at this point, even just being second cousins five times removed). Even the folk that have no offspring of acting ability tend to be from

….let alone the toilet seat papers. or the toilet seat. or the papers.


George Micheal would like a word with you.