
Maybe you can…

And umbrellas…never forget the umbrellas

Honestly. How the fuck is he still alive.

Hate to say it, Paul will be dead, Ringo will still live forever, and Neil Young will see it to 2020 to play one last Bridge School benefit, when he passes into the great unknown playing "Old Man".

Whose to say the previous weren't worth flying me to the moon?

Growing up non-denominational, fundamentalist, and everything else, I miss those updates on Moonie weddings. WTF.

The farthest I got in reading them was GoF, and that I didn't even finish due to the gf's mom passing and subsequent breakup idiocy. I am mildy curious as to how the GH compares to the two movies. As others have always noted the detail and characters tend to get short shrifted in the movies compared to the books,

" As a young Scientologist with a knack for breaking the rules, she nearly ended up in the Rehabilitation Project Force, the cult’s brutal punishment system, which is like the gulags of Stalin’s Soviet Union but less humane."

"Divergent", "Hunger Games", blah blah blah. Harry Potter did set the standard for these film adaptations, and while we all like to find our faults with the final two parter in the series, at least they did, as Hassenger points out, they built character and true plot lines throughout all the Potter films (let alone

Nope, stuck in the backwoods South of the USA. Savannah, GA to be precise. But thanks for the trailer link! And I'm hoping that you are who I think (having that "staff" is a giveaway, funny how that works). Your reviews are great, and the put downs on the truly bad films you are saddled with having to suffer

Naw, you have it wrong: Trump IS the worst possible.

This album is up there with "Stealing Beauty", where if you have 1965 in the background or watch the former with your girl you are almost guaranteed a good night in bed with her.

I've been wrong before…

Tip of the hat to Sanders for actually being a real politician and a "guy". I think it was McKinley all the way back in 1896 who did all his politicking from his front porch…in Niles, OH. Granted we're over a century removed from that time (hell, the Wright bros were still making bikes!) but perhaps we just need to

It really is a masterpiece to me. In my top 10 modern albums easily, considering I count modern for me to be 1990-to now and "classic" to be before that…although the 1980's are that strange flux state of music where I was still figuring out what I liked. The first track off of 1965 actually got a lot of airplay on

That is a horrible pun, as you can go with either "Carol Channing" or "Channing Tatum" Or at least I did. Neither one is good.

It was a day of installations for the sign shop I worked at when I was in college. None of us even thought about it when scheduling all this work to be done and there were, of course, complications and idiocies that none of us foresaw. And of course there was no such thing as early voting back then. I would have

It has swing AND swagger.


By the CD missing, it clearly worked its magic. I'm liking to think that some girl loved it so much that she grabbed it on her way out, rather than what happened to my CD of the first proper Ben Folds Five that I left in a rental.