
I honestly knew nothing about this film until now. I'm gonna be watching it for sure, maybe in the cinema if it even opens up here. Side note: I can't believe I'm possibly the first person to mention this, but I would think it would be ok to actually use the screen shot at the beginning of the review as a place to

But…Walker got re-elected in Wisconsin. Just sayin'

I still remember being pissed off about not being able to vote in 1996 because I was working ALL day (a fiasco if I recall) and got off just in time to get home and then remembered that the polls were closing at 7. I got there at 7:05 p.m. Talking to my parents later that night they discovered that their votes

As much as I like the idea of Sanders as POTUS, as soon as he threw his hat in the race I was like, Well, I guess as much as I like the guy there's not a chance in hell, so I'm stuck with the other one. And of course "the other one" had to be HRC. But you're right. I'll vote for her, but that's also because the

I have had the great fortune to have been involved with not just one but two women whose horniness is ramped up a million times when on their period. I got over the squemishness factor immediately when the first gf literally couldn't keep her hands off me one night after we met up when I was done with work. Needless

The gift that keeps on giving for sure!!

I bought my last box of condoms during summer of last year. I was working for two months in upstate NY and I got the two other guys I was staying with to get on Tindr (as I had the previous year and worked wonders for keeping me sane). Needless to say my libido sank to nil immediately but I ended up giving out all

I had never heard of the Whigs until 1965 came out in 1998 (I think) and bought Black Love about six months after I purchased 1965. I never really got into either Gentlemen or Black Love, and while I do still listen to the latter from time to time, 1965 is a freakin' classic. For a solid five years it was my go to

I know it's not nice to make fun of kids' names, but it always makes me sad to know that there is a child out there who is going to be stuck with the name "Colton Burpo" their entire life.

"Her habit…is all white!!"

At least there's no corn in it…

I honestly can't figure out where to start with how great this episode was. The fact that it was almost entirely narrated (only done a few times before, but also great episodes), the revelations of past idiocies, just the sheer ludicrusnous of everything. And the best thing is that even though we all knew Rusty

*Frakes gives his whiskey a good twirl, nods in agreement, sips.* "I'll have another, barkeep."

I worked under a Jewish chef for a year and among other jokes that he loved to tell that were Holocaust related, this one left me speechless but laughing on the inside: What's the difference between a pizza and a Jew? Pizzas don't scream when you put them in the oven.

You should instead be questioning your fan infatuation with the Phillies.

"I have a really sensitive gag reflex." Have you considered writing Dan Savage?

Semi-Fun story: Like good midwesterners, my family took yearly week long vacations to Myrtle Beach, S.C. My father made a joke about The Abyss right after he and I first saw the trailer, and somehow ended up pronouncing it A-byss. The joke was long forgotten by the time we went to see it in late July on vacation,

Hardly a current one, but considering it was the last time I was really into games was the Genesis era (I'm forgiving my all of six month period of playing Lego Star Wars endlessly with my psycho ex-girlfriend in 2007-2008), the singular game I still kick myself over paying full price for was Hard Drivin'. The

I figure it'd be more along "Why isn't there a Rifftrax for this?" but one can always dream…

I suppose that my comment did come off as dismissing Christians here in America as ignorant. What amazes me about having grown up in that environment is that all the adults were pretty damn smart. What still gets me riled up is how they manage to raise folk such as myself, and encourage them to be free thinkers and