
Not that I've ever read a RR done by Will Harris that was bad, but that should be a guaranteed good one. Had no idea about Grey (a good Cleveland guy!) and just read up on him on Wikipedia, and geez, what a life. Really looking forward to this one.

I had honestly forgotten about that movie, and I want to say I actually saw it with my dad when it came out (it may have also been on HBO or we got it on VHS from the library the year after, doesn't matter). Watched it for the first time since the '80s a couple years back and actually holds up well.

I can't recall what episode that was in but seeing it in print, I'm realizing now that they were really saying STFU. Gee, that only took approximately 20 years.

I read a few of the pieces about how there are continuity flaws and whatnot…who cares? It's scripted well, and holds up over time and multiple viewings. I'm surprised I don't watch it more often (again, probably falls into the Seven and Fight Club realm, where just because we know the outcome, doesn't mean we don't

Always late to the discussion, but work has been idiotic. Anyway.

I still love how the pilots for both PLCL and the tv version of Ferris Bueller aired either the same night or at least the same week. I watched both (as I was a surly young teen) and immediately knew which one was gonna make it. The latter was cancelled pretty quickly (I'm sure I only watched that pilot with my dad,

Not enough Santorum.

With sitcoms like this, I do an eyebrow comparison, and it passes that test…barely.

I remember changing the radio station in the car so many times when that song played. Thanks for reminding me of when I listened to radio.

Great interview, and the lead off story was awesome. I kinda feel bad how I still confuse Palminteri with Joe Mantegna, kinda like how I did with Burt Reynolds and Tom Selleck when I was a kid (watching Smokey & The Bandit and then reruns of Magnum, P.I. on Sunday afternoon in the early '80s was odd sometimes…).

The most non-erotic erotica ever.

As folk are fond of pointing out, it can be two things (ugh, I'll never think of the phrase "cream filled center" the same way again).

I can only hope you're referring to that MST3K episode where they riffed on that short from the 1960's about music in middle school. Horrible, cringe-worthy, and funny, yet just plain ick.

I just rewatched Birdman last week and it's not nearly as bad as the first time I watched it. In fact, it may be one of my favorite movies now. Acting, Raymond Carver, and voices from beyond. It may actually hold up over time.

Jack Nicholson won his first Oscar while still in his 30's, and won again the next two decades. I'm hardly a Leo fan (I do think he's evolved into being a good/quasi-great actor, but if you've been nominated -that- many times there is gonna be an Oscar at some point, regardless of how old you are).

I'll have the spam

I got to somewhere around the 200 comment point (I think right now its around 1500…I'm a bit lazy when it comes to commenting sometimes). But the fact is, ya'll are being way to hard on an episode that pretty much sucks anyway. Let's face facts: No one expected a good follow up to the first episode, and while the

While every episode this season has been a winner, I really like the dynamic that has happened between the Monarch and 21. Almost like 21 is that cartoon devil on the shoulder of the Monarch, but the Monarch's cartoon angel is unable to resist being talked into 21's schemes. Which are a whole lot better than

Are you referring to the Israelis and Palestinians or to Socks and Buddy?

The into to "You're The Worst" is the one I never, ever skip through. How it starts during the end of the cold opening, prolonging sometimes (I may be imagining that latter bit), but it plays so much into the story and series. It's heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time.