
One, two, five, DAMMIT!!

"Chance" being the operative word in that statement…

*taps mic*

Actually the one in Arlington on Wilson Road. I always group Arlington into DC simply because it might as well just be secondary SW DC suburb. My restaurant was three blocks up right before the Clarendon Metro stop. But damn you're right about the demographic. That WF was packed day and night. I'm surprised they

Or Mormon.

Haha!! "Loophole"

It amazes me that a term like "petting" is still around. Perhaps latent nostalgia for sex ed films from the 1950s and '60s? There def is something about just saying "heavy/light petting" that sounds dirty, unlike "making out".

They might taste really good!!

The whole foods I went to in DC was actually always a good experience. Huge wine and beer selection, along with cheese and awesome (but way overpriced) meat. Ha, I nearly forgot that their flower selection was also incredible, seeing how I bought lilies or some such selection at least twice a month for the gf, and

Prince would probably allow it

Dear Lord.


For both their sakes, let's hope not. She'll end up killing him and she'll end up getting off in court and be our new O.J. for the next 50 years.

You mentioned Clifford. Let's not speak of this again.

Haha! you said seamen, which is why folk join the navy!!

This ain't Metropolitan, brah.

That Directors Cut is amazing. It's not that it changed the plot/story all that much, but added detail that just enhanced everything about the film itself. Soooo much better.

Between Holden and McQueen, I honestly can't say who had a better run during the '60s and '70's.

I see what you're saying, but you can't tell me that the bank shootout scene in "Heat" didn't have you on the edge of your seat and really did make you wonder who was gonna make it out alive. I just rewatched it a couple months ago for the first time in ten years and it was just like the first time I ever loaded that

I watched the Sergio Leone/Eastwood westerns growing up, and they tended to give me a better insight into all the other, older westerns I tended to end up watching with my grandmother. John Wayne, Cooper, etc, but it all gave me an appreciation when I would come across a "more serious" western like "The Searchers".