
Holden is up there with Steve McQueen and early Dustin Hoffman as my favorite actors. There is a lot to be said about ability to enter a scene and just take hold of it, and these guys had it. Cannot recommend Stalag 17 or Papillion enough as prime examples.

I make a point of rewatching The Wild Bunch and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid at least once a year. Both seem infinitely watchable, but the latter for how dark a picture it paints, but the former because it seems to be a meditation on how the so called wild wild west was ending and times (and justice) were

Because no one can Roth better than Eli?

Talk about a polarizing movie. There is no middle ground that I've seen with Cabin in the Woods. I honestly enjoyed it to the point that I think I watched it about 5-6 times over three months when Netflix had it. It's a perfect send up of horror tropes, just like the original Scream was, but different because they

That it is a gay threesome makes it that much more ironic…

I find it absolutely implausible for me to remember this, as I only watched it once when it came out, but the "I'll play the victim" "You always will" exchange at summer camp still makes me laugh. Christina Ricci has had such and up and down career.

He's not Adam Sandler…yet.

That's what SHE said. Wait. Ewww….

Are we still doing that?

The animated half hour tv show would probably implode if that ever happened. On the other hand, there was the season premiere of the Bob's Burgers/Archer crossover. Which I still consider brilliant.

I am truly stoked about this season. Don't care about ya'll's hatred of Archer: Vice, and while certain jokes did get a bit old, if not for that season we would never have "Eat a bag of dicks, jungle." Plus, it's so stupid and bizarre at points, you can't help but laugh. And phrasing? I swear I hope it's back. It

Thanks, Seymore. Next time I think we'll all ask a real expert.

what about guys that want to go down on girls but the girl doesn't like it? And I'm not saying I ever even had the chance. We made out, already naked, in bed, I'm moving down her body and she's like, no, I don't like that. For the history books, she was pretty much against any oral, either me on her or her on me.

Bad sex is one of those things that I would only wish upon my arch-nemesis. I'm surprised it's only happened twice in my life, but the first will always be the worst: bad, horrible, post-break up sex where you both think it's a good idea to just get over ourselves and fuck just one more time. Neither of us got off,

Did that a few times in DC and unfortunately ended up having to get a cab. Which god only knows would have saved me an hour or two if I had just gone with my instincts having gotten that last train out of Arlington after another 16 hour day. Stupid me.


Me Too!!!

Did someone say orgy?!?

I'm upvoting this simply because I'd love to see a remake with Haley Joel Osment and Bruce Willis exchanging roles.

55-gallons of Gun Oil, coming up!!