
The only bad end to that story is that a box set of Jeff Dunham videos was sent back out into the public. You did the right thing, but…Dear Lord, I pray for their souls.

I'll take socks over underwear. How do random aunts still know that I'm wearing Jockeys? Are there extended family spies lurking outside? WTF?

"A Portrait of the Artist: Killing Everything."

Nah, y'all have got it wrong: It's Wuthering Heights: Resurrection: First Blood: SUV

Dancing, yes, but Tap-Dancing? That's where it's at for God's Son.

Yeah, but that's soooooo done and played out. Make sure you still have decent muscle mass and have yourself made as a buffet!


Pharamadouche to the rescue!!!


Abe Vigoda: Still dead.

This was an absolutely brilliant episode. Easily one of the best, and that is counting all the regular 9 seasons. It wrapped around, devoured itself, and then wanted more, in a light, comedic, throwback to previous scenes and conversations kind of way. This could have easily been played as a true MOTW episode but

Considering Season 5 aired, like in 2009 (?) this is not too hard to believe.

Is that some sort of music benefit for out of work pornstars?

My all time, love to hate (or is it hate to love?) movie. I will drop everything whenever I come across it on TV. Doesn't matter if there is only 3 minutes left. So bad it's good doesn't even begin to approach my sheer hatred yet continual fascination with that piece of shit trainwreck.

I'd upvote this if it didn't seem like I'm happy to see how fucked up it turned out. If it's any consolation, 4 years ago I was exec chef of my restaurant in DC, making $55K plus benefits (I was still making less than I should have been, if you can believe it), dating a super hot lawyer with one of the top 5 firms in

I was expecting some "Lucifer" type idiocy and review, but I may have to at least give the pilot a chance. Seems like a decent time waster (says the guy who still hasn't started Agent Carter, Agents of SHIELD, and keeps falling asleep halfway thru the first season of GoT).

I'm gonna have to find this one way or another. Sounds awesome.

Don't ever talk about Emmanuelle that way!!! I grew up on '70s soft-core porn thanks to Skinemax and is enshrined in the Pubescent Hard-On Hall Of Fame.

Eh, If given the choice of a year to go back in time and have a chance a righting my personal idiocy, 1996 is as good a year as it could be. I'd talk myself into staying in college (even thought it wasn't until 1998 that I dropped out as a fourth year junior), get the fuck out of the christian cult a full four years

That's what she said!!!