
I can only hope that Sir Richard Dearlove had a few underlings who hated him and called him "Dickie" behind his back.

Obviously you aren't working hard enough

Did they have the Wookiepedia a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away?

Son, I have some bad news for you. Let's grab a seat and I'll talk you through the pain and misery that you have to look forward to…

My life is complete.

That sperm was a lot of dollars wasted.


Perhaps one of those cases where it's so bad it's good?

I was shooting for Lexis/Nexus but gotta take what you can get.

"Sexily" may be my new favorite word. In that context though, not so much.

No, it's not. And it will never go away.

WAIT!!! there's a glitch in Discus?!?!

Can't say they express anything but I was alternating between humming XTC's "King for a Day" and the Sinatra version (of course) of "Fly me to the Moon".

I find myself humming the beginning chords at random times. My default pandora station is the replacements, but it's so diversified now that they may come on every 20 songs or so. Not necessarily a bad thing.

I think the key question is "where did the idea that sticking a long stainless steel rod up my urethra and that it makes me feel good?" come from. I'm really not judging, cause I've thrown myself and my body out there for a few things but this is one i just have to wonder. An STD test gone good/bad a number of years

Eh, I'll take both if I can have both and also "passed away in his sleep". He had a good run, lived a lot longer than a hell of many of us will, and died peacefully. THAT is a good run. Let me go out without drama. That is a good way to go.

There's a lot to be learned from embracing the age rather than running from it. Abe is a good place to start.

Abe Vigoda: Still Dead.

I went through a silent movie phase when I was probably 16-18 and aside from Wings, Intolerance (which was horrible to me then, I may actually appreciate it now), and The Phantom of the Opera (on the big screen, no less, with full organ accompaniment!!), I did make a point of checking this and many others out from the

Yes…and I swear it was like looking at myself!