
"I’d certainly rather see Parker’s film take the U.S. Dramatic prize than something like As You Are (Grade: C+), a sensitively performed but very common teen drama whose stellar young cast and vivid ’90s milieu can’t quite redeem its utter familiarity."

It can be both.

And Princess Di's

If she somehow ever ends up playing both Bowie and Jackson my head may just explo

"You must offer me…a shrubbery!!"

Can't we just heal the world and call it a day?

-sees script- "What, this isn't another sequel to Boondock Saints?!?"

Abe Vigoda: dead. RIP good sir.

Let's not forget Shawshank. Thanks to seeing that multiple times on TNT I swear I'll put a shank through my ear balls.

So you think. They're aiming for more inclusiveness.

How did you come across my doctoral thesis?

Has he done…forget that, I just answered my own question. I always forget that Garden State is a bit of a road trip movie. And that he has essentially made the same movie ever since.
I will halfheartedly admit I did -kinda- like the one he made that was set in Madison, WI. I fully blame my like for it on the fact

Who hasn't?

I've accepted the fact that Stillman will never reach the acclaim he had with Metropolitan (still one of my favorite movies), but since he's decided to come back I can't help but get excited. I only rewatch it about every three years or so, but I still find myself whistling the primary theme song at random times.

Hopefully not, I've heard there are sharks

I'm a little late to the discussion as usual, but I find myself watching this about once a year, usually at a low point in life. It seems more a meditation on who the characters are and their belief systems than anything. Yes, you have the creepy science with head transplantation, but when you think about it, using

You know what happens when you assume things, and you are wrong.

Hell, Bowie needed more Bowie.

Yet they still do. Gotta admire the consistency and determination.

Every Perkins I ever went to was shit. LIAR!!!