
He is now more joker than whiner.

And now I know where this came from!

This one-two punch of interviews with the creator yesterday and the series star the next is great. Even if they seem to agree on the entire concept and how it happened and ended. I wouldn't mind seeing this kind of thing happen again, even though I know the logistics of it would probably be pretty horrendous.

Go Piggers!!

Only after she was sure Indy was still alive after taking his swig.

What does God need with a starship?

Hate to say it but you may be right. I say this with derision and anger, since the Blues Brothers is still awesome.

wait for it….

It's also one that sticks out for me from that season. It was fun, light-hearted, and was a goofy MOTW episode that let the characters run with their persona. Added bonus was a cheerful finale, which if you can't get into, well, I can't help you.

Lucas and Spielberg would like a word with you over by the pinball machine. Trey Parker and Matt Stone have agreed to work the cameras, but unwillingly.

I'm clearly in the minority here, but I actually liked the second one. It was low-key, had some suspense, and yeah, it really was essentially a longer one-off TV episode, but I thought it was done well. It did wrap things up a bit too easily, but I'm willing to forgive it simply because for me, it is one of those

Disheartening to say the least. Can we at least blame it on his significant other?

I was unaware of him turning into Kirk Cameron. WTF? I hope that this is a joke…

Movies, not to my knowledge, but I am reminded of an episode of Northern Exposure where the Holling character (in an alternate reality) was agoraphobic. I recall that one being particularly good.

Neal Peart is God!!!

The thing that I could never figure out was how Mozart put out a million symphonys and Beethoven only nine? Then I discovered that genius is quality over quantity.

Thanks y2k guy. Can I send you a free AOL CD to get some free hours of the interwebs?

I believe you mean Aslan the Jesus Fucking Lion.

Eh, I would have gone with the 7th.

Not to be that guy, but where is the obit on Sir Run Run Shaw? Perhaps I missed it, perhaps my search didn't find it, but geez, we are talking about an astronomically influental guy who outlived all of our lives. And let's not forget how much influence he had in kung-fu Hong Kong, as well as investing in our