

Cocaine, hookers, and…the Playboy mansion!!!

I see what you did there.

The universe has a cold, dark heart. As I know a billion other folk have said, I just like to think he's returned home and will send us a new album in a few years as thanks for hosting him for 69 years.

I have a feeling this may either be a roaring success or (probably much more likely) the Batman & Robin movie that killed a franchise for 10 years. Luckily we have a few years to see what D.C. or Marvel movie will do its best to kill this onslaught of comic book movies.

Folk like Bowie don't come around all the time. Say what you will, but I'd say the closest to Bowie, especially with the late career resurgence would be Prince.

All of them, right now…

You could have easily stopped that sentence with "It's Scott Walker". I haven't lived in WI since 2008 and the only reason I continue to follow his idiocy of a governorship is because I want to do a little jig when he finally lands in jail for something he hasn't found a way to bury or blame on someone else.

You're assumption that the system was ever actually working is where you went wrong. Just sayin'.

That's what she said!!!

Don't forget the balloons and streamers!!!

But you could!!!

That or Moses circumcising his sons and throwing their foreskins at the angel in pursuit.

My 2400 baud modem is still loading the image…waiting…

I became convinced that hockey is nearly (nearly, because a live hockey game is awesome) the best enjoyed by radio as well. Constant action, keeps you engaged…and I know you're being sarcastic here about baseball on the radio, but I'm actually serious about that as well. But also, the same rule applies: either live

Don't forget the honey with the locust-eating. John the Baptist wouldn't like that.

So you're from Texas?


Methinks you forget about their Middle Eastern (yes, I'm grouping) compatriot who was kinda central to a lot of the plot moving forward. Oh, and he was one of the good guys.

@Will@willharrisinva:disqus I've said it before but never meant it as much as now: This is the best fucking interview ever.